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XIX Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Classica - Colonia/Bonn 2018

21 maggio 2018 - ore 14,07

19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology

Archaeology and Economy of the Classical World

Cologne/Bonn, Germany

22nd – 26th May 2018

XIX Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Classica
Colonia/Bonn, Germania - 22-26 maggio 2018.

The International Association for Classical Archaeology (AIAC) as well as the Archaeological Institutes of the Universities of Cologne and Bonn would like to invite you to the XIXth International Congress of Classical Archaeology with the theme: 'Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World'.
We are looking forward to fine presentations, lively exchange and fruitful discussions and welcoming you to Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium and Bonna.
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