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26 dicembre 2013 - ore 10,17
1_latium_vetus_in_the_bronze_age_and_early_iron_age_alessandri.jpgARBOR SAPIENTIAE®

Editore e Distributore specializzato in Scienze Umanistiche
www.arborsapientiae.com – info@arborsapientiae.com
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00168 Roma

BAR S2595 2014: Material Images of Humans from the Natufian to Pottery Neolithic Periods in the Levant by Estelle Orrelle. ISBN 9781407312231. 287 pages; illustrated throughout, 3 colour plates.
€ 86,00.

This book focuses on the ‘un-naturalistic’ iconography of human imagery intuitively regarded as ‘super-natural’. A Darwinian model of the evolution of symbolic culture, the Female Cosmetic Coalitions model, provides theoretical grounding for the earliest androgynous and therianthropic religious representations and provides theoretical confidence as to the long-term survival of symbols. An analogy between simple shapes and human genitalia expresses the fusion of male and female. The background is the transition from hunting and gathering to farming; power relations are presented as changing from an ‘original social contract’ underpinned by female ritual power, to a ‘new social contract’ driven by competing male elites.

BAR S2594 2014: The Scale and Nature of the Late Bronze Age Economies of Egypt and Cyprus by Keith Padgham. ISBN 9781407312224. xiii+182 pages; illustrated throughout.
€ 66,00.

The aim of this study is to interpret the scale and nature of the economy of the Eastern Mediterranean in the latter period of the LBA. It does this by using a quantitative approach that estimates the size of the workforce required to meet basic needs (food, clothing, and shelter) and state needs. The quantitative findings are used to assess the proportion of the workforce dedicated to basic and non-basic activities of LBA Cyprus and NK Egypt, based on the food required to support a worker and his dependants. This allows the assessment of the relative economic strengths of each region, the extent to which their economies were embedded within their culture, and their economic interactions with other LBA Eastern Mediterranean states.

BAR S2593 2014: Chairs, Stools, and Footstools in the New Kingdom Production, typology, and social analysis by Dina El Gabry. ISBN 9781407312217. xix+241 pages; 247 figures.
€ 80,00.

The study of furniture and its production is a window into both the social position of its owner and the techniques and social organization of the craftsmen. This book comprises an examination and analysis of chairs, stools and footstools of the New Kingdom (ca.1550-1069 B.C.) which are preserved in the Cairo Egyptian Museum. The first chapter is dedicated to woodworking processes and techniques of manufacturing chairs and stools. The second chapter analyses the chairs, stools, and fragments that constitute the main corpus of this study (131 pieces in total). The third chapter focuses primarily on two-dimensional scenes and how these can increase our understanding of the study objects. The fourth chapter is devoted to a lexicographical analysis of the terms used to designate different types of chairs, stools and footstools. This is followed by a typological study of chairs and stools in the New Kingdom based on actual pieces of furniture that my corpus includes and those preserved in other collections.

BAR S2592 2014: Embodying Value? The Transformation of Objects in and from the Ancient World edited by Annabel Bokern and Clare Rowan. ISBN 9781407312200. . v+155 pages; illustrated throughout; papers in English and German.
€ 58,00.

This bilingual volume presents a series of case studies exploring the ways in which different objects from the ancient world changed in both meaning and value over time. The contributions range in focus from the Neolithic until the medieval period, and interpret the material from a theoretical, interdisciplinary perspective. The case studies examine how objects represent, embody and affect particular values, illuminating the relationship between humans, societies and objects, as well as the role of the material in everyday life.

BAR S2591 2014: Archaeological Studies on Late Antiquity and Early Medieval Europe (AD 400-1000) 4 In concavis petrarum habitaverunt El fenómeno rupestre en el Mediterráneo Medieval: De la investigación a la puesta en valor edited by Jorge López Quiroga and Artemio Manuel Martínez Tejera. ISBN 9781407312194. 374 pages; illustrated throughout; in Spanish with English abstracts .
€ 102,00.

This fourth volume (Proceedings 4) presents the results of an international conference held at the Museo de los Orígenes (Casa de San Isidro) in December 2008. The work is divided into three parts: Four studies on general aspects of the ‘rock world’ in the Iberian Peninsula, the chronology of the caves artificially created, the ‘troglodyte’ in the Greco-Roman tradition, and the chronology of rock-cut tombs. The second part looks at eleven studies of various regions and ‘rock complexes’ in the Iberian Peninsula (‘San Vítor’, in San Lorenzo da Barxacova, Parada del Sil, Ourense; ‘El Bierzo’; the upper valley of the Ebro; ‘San Martín de Albelda’, in ‘La Rioja’; the middle valley of the Cidacos river; the high valley of the Arlanza river; ‘San Frutos del Duratón’, Segovia; the suburbium and territory of Ercavica in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages; the territory of Sierra Magina; and finally, the Almagruz caves, in Purullena, Granada. The third part examines parallels in other Mediterranean regions, such as the ‘rock city’ of Matera (Italy), the valley of the Euphrates (northern Syria); the churches built on the rock of Lalibela (Ethiopia), and the ‘rock world’ in the provinces of ’Arabia’ and Palestina Tertia in Jordan.

BAR S2590 2014: Paris Monographs in American Archaeology 34 Costume et insignes d’un gouvernant maya K’inich Janaab’ Pakal de Palenque by Laura Filloy Nadal. ISBN 9781407312187.. 355 pages; illustrated throughout; in French.
€ 98,00.

The city of Palenque achieved its greatest splendour in the Late Classic when it became one of the foremost centres in the Maya world. During the reign of K’inich Janaab’ Pakal (A.D. 615–683) the Temple of the Inscriptions, which later served as his sepulchre and commemorative monument, was built. In 1952, Alberto Ruz Lhuillier discovered the funerary chamber in the Temple of the Inscriptions. Based on the reports from the 1950s, photographs taken at the time of the discovery, work published over the past half century, and the analysis of objects that composed the funerary furnishings, this research proposes a holistic revision of the funerary complex. The funerary furnishings, the manufacturing technique and technical sequence employed to create such pieces were studied; the geographic location of the sources of the raw materials was proposed. Finally, the function of each object and its probable significance were discussed.

BAR S2589 2014: Millets, Rice and Farmers Phytoliths as indicators of agricultural, social and ecological change in Neolithic and Bronze Age Central China by Alison Ruth Weisskopf. ISBN 9781407312170. xiv+172 pages; illustrated throughout; with DVD.
€ 64,00.

Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Central China was the scene of important cultural developments which impacted on agricultural practices and local vegetation. Using phytolith data from archaeological sites in Henan, this study investigates changing crop choices, from broomcorn millet to foxtail millet to rice. Crop processing stages were interpreted by examination of differing proportions of phytoliths from crop husks, weed husks and crop and weed leaves to illustrate cultivation systems, harvesting and processing methods. The results suggest more successful agricultural practices and possible changes in social organisation in the Late Neolithic. Phytolith data was also used to understand impacts of these changes on local vegetation.

BAR S2588 2014: A Sense of the Past Studies in current archaeological applications of remote sensing and non-invasive prospection methods edited by Hans Kamermans, Martin Gojda and Axel G. Posluschny. ISBN 9781407312163.. iii+163 pages; illustrated throughout in colour and black and white.
€ 92,00.

This volume groups together papers presented at a Commission 4 session at the XVI UISPP World Congress in Florianópolis, Brazil (4-10 September 2011), a UISPP commission 4 session in Leiden, The Netherlands (2nd November 2012) and at a session entitled Advanced Prospection Methods for Cultural Heritage Management – Experiences and Challenges during the EAA Annual Meeting in Helsinki, Finland (29th August – 1st September 2012).

BAR S2587 2014: Riparia, un patrimoine culturel La gestion intégrée des bords de l’eau. Proceedings of the Sudbury Workshop, April 12–14, 2012 / Actes de l’atelier Savoirs et pratiques de gestion intégrée des bords de l’eau – Riparia, Sudbury, 12–14 avril 2012 edited by Ella Hermon and Anne Watelet. ISBN 9781407312156. £46.00. x+312 pages; illustrated throughout; papers in French with English abstracts.
€ 92,00.

RIPARIA is a concept encompassing the complex environment of watersides and having its semantic roots in the Roman world. It is constructed on the basis of land use patterns and economic activities (colonization, urbanization, exploitation of natural resources). The contributions to this volume present the challenges facing ancient and modern preindustrial societies in managing such areas. They highlight the role of social representations of watersides and their management (risk management, ecosystem services, cultural heritage) as an interface between the natural and the social systems, in view of identifying ethical principles for both the preservation and transformation of these environments, particularly vulnerable to climate change and variations.

BAR S2586 2014: Paleolithic Landscapes of Iran by Saman Heydari-Guran. ISBN 9781407312149. £43.00. ix+278 pages; illustrated throughout; Gazetteer .
€ 86,00.

This book is a study of the settlement patterns of the Middle to Later stages of the Paleolithic period in the natural landscapes of the Iranian Plateau. By analyzing different environmental settings, stone artifacts, faunal remains and finally the game behavioral movements, this book evaluates the previous models and theories of ‘site location’, ‘game management’ and ‘Middle and Upper Paleolithic groups’ land use’ that were employed for Iran. As a major result, it demonstrates that, the ecological approach of ‘structural landscape analysis’ is a strong methodology for understanding the mechanisms behind settlement patterns, land use and mobility strategies of early humans.

BAR S2585 2013: Egipto y el Egeo a comienzos de la XVIII Dinastía Una visión de sus relaciones, antecedentes e influencia iconográfica by Inmaculada Vivas Sainz. ISBN 9781407312132. ix+237 pages; 15 colour illustrations; in Spanish.
€ 80,00.

This study is focused on the relations between Egypt and the Aegean during the early XVIIIth Dynasty, a period of close contact between these two regions. The discovery of Minoan wall paintings decorating a palace complex at Tell el Dab’a (Avaris) was the starting point for this research which reviews the evidence concerning the relations between Egyptians and Minoans especially during the beginning of the New Kingdom, but sometimes also looking at the evidence from previous periods. This contact brought together a mutual influence on artistic and cultural matters, which has its best evidence on the Minoan wall paintings decorating a Thutmoside palace complex in Egypt.

BAR S2584 2013: Archaeolingua Central European Series 7 The Early Neolithic in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve by Eszter Bánffy. ISBN 9781407312125.. 189 pages; illustrated in colour and black and white.
€ 84,00.

The growing interest in the cultural dimensions and environmental aspects of the transition to the Neolithic in the 6th millennium BC calls for a brief overview of what we know about the Early Neolithic in the Danube-Tisza interfluve. The idea of a volume drawing together the various strands of evidence on the Early Neolithic in this region resulted in the multi-facetted analysis presented in this volume. One major advance emanating from the study was the elimination of the archaeological blank spot between the Alföld and Transdanubia – earlier, the very existence of this blank spot made any discussion of possible contact between the two thoroughly researched regions virtually impossible and hampered comparisons of any kind. This volume follows on from the excavations at Polgár–Csőszhalom in 1957, in this series (BAR S1730, 2008). The assessment of the site at Szakmár–Kisülés, an Early Neolithic settlement lying near the left Danube bank, is obviously linked to the problems of the Early Neolithic along the Danube and the publication of the finds from this site forms the backbone of the present volume.

BAR S2583 2013: Warfare and Society in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Papers arising from a colloquium held at the University of Liverpool, 13th June 2008 edited by Stephen O’Brien and Daniel Boatright. ISBN 9781407312088. 100 pages; 19 figures.
€ 48,00.

Eight papers arising from a colloquium on Warfare and Society in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean held at the University of Liverpool, 13th June 2008.

BAR S2582 2013: Whodunnit? Grave Robbery in Anglo-Saxon England and the Merovingian Kingdoms by A. M. Klevnäs. ISBN 9781407312071. £48.00. xiii+294 pages; 129 figures.
€ 96,00.

This work brings together all that is currently known of early medieval grave disturbance in Anglo-Saxon England and on the Merovingian continent. It investigates in detail an intensive outbreak of grave disturbance in 6th-7th century Kent. This is closely related to the same phenomenon in Merovingia: an example of the import of not only material goods but also a distinctive cultural practice. Limited numbers of similar reopening episodes, affecting a much smaller proportion of graves in each cemetery, are also identified elsewhere in Anglo-Saxon England. Although the phenomenon of grave robbery is well-attested in Merovingia, this research is the first study at a regional level. The aim is to advance the debate about early medieval disturbance from general discussion of interpretative possibilities to evaluation of specific models and their compatibility with the archaeological evidence.

BAR S2581 2013: SOMA 2012 Identity and Connectivity: Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1–3 March 2012 edited by Luca Bombardieri, Anacleto D’Agostino, Guido Guarducci, Valentina Orsi and Stefano Valentini. ISBN 9781407312064.. 1250 pages (in two volumes); illustrated throughout.
€ 286,00.

The Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1–3 March 2012

BAR S2580 2013: Southeast Asia in the Ancient Indian Ocean World by Tom Hoogervorst. ISBN 9781407312033. i+157 pages; illustrated throughout.
€ 62,00.

This book casts a new light on the role of Southeast Asia in the ancient Indian Ocean World. It brings together data and approaches from archaeology and historical linguistics with the aim to reconstruct pre-modern cultural and language contact between Southeast Asia and South Asia, East Africa and the Middle East. The interdisciplinary approach employed in this study reveals that insular Southeast Asian seafarers, traders and settlers had left their imprint on these parts of the world through the transmission of numerous biological and cultural items. It is further demonstrated that the words used to designate these commodities often contain clues about the precise ethno-linguistic communities involved in their transoceanic dispersal. Cumulatively, this study underlines that the analysis of lexical data is a strong tool to reconstruct interethnic contact, particularly in pre-literate societies. Throughout the Indian Ocean World, Southeast Asian products and concepts were mainly dispersed by Malay-speaking communities, although others played a role as well.

BAR S2579 2013: The Jastorf Culture in Poland by Zenon Wozniak, Michal Grygiel, Henryk Machajewski and Andrzej Michalowski. ISBN 9781407312026. v+103 pages; illustrated .
€ 48,00.

This study sums up the research carried out so far and our current knowledge on Jastorf culture populations in northwest Poland with a special focus on the distinctive traits of the Jastorf settlements in two regions: Pomerania and Wielkopolska. It aims to depict a particular qualitative breakthrough that was witnessed in Polish research into this cultural formation in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The findings presented, and above all the pool of sources, are aimed at providing a basis for discussing the cultural situation in northwest Poland in the early younger Pre-Roman period. The sources amount to a signpost towards the moment when the cultural picture of the central European Barbaricum was taking its dramatic shape over the last few centuries BC.

BAR S2578 2013: Karystian Cipollino Marble Its export from Euboea and distribution by Jeanne Sutherland. ISBN 9781407312019. £43.00. xvi+159 pages; illustrated throughout in colour and black and white; with CD .
€ 86,00.

This carefully illustrated book tells the fascinating story of how thousands of tons of the much-desired Karystian cipollino marble were transported across the Empire as part of the great Roman marble trade. It is the culmination of years of research by Jeanne Sutherland who describes how great columns and blocks of the green-veined marble were carved from the mountainside quarries, between Karystos and Stira in southern Euboea, and shipped throughout the Empire - from Rome to Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon and beyond. There it was used to adorn the magnificent temples, theatres, libraries and baths of the great Roman cities, where much can still be seen today. The 19th and 20th centuries saw the reopening of the ancient quarries to supply cipollino for famous buildings in the United Kingdom and Europe. Trade in cipollino still flourishes in the modern quarries.

BAR S2577 2013: Los huesos humanos en el contexto arqueológico Consideraciones metodológicas sobre su excavación y registro desde las características de depositos del S.O. de la Península Iberica by Juan Manuel Guijo Mauri. ISBN 9781407312002. iv+302 pages; illustrated throughout; in Spanish with English abstract.
€ 90,00.

Human bone in archaeological context is the product of natural processes and cultural patterns; the deposits can seal several things: the vital aspects of one skeleton, the intentions that led to the burial, and natural and accidental processes. This in turn becomes part of the history of these remains and the way they are arranged, their environmental changes and rituals can all influence the recovery procedure. The synchronic and diachronic bio-cultural environments involve new requirements and present further limitations. Taking the geographical framework of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, the author addresses the methodological issues involved in the recovery of archaeological skeletal remains: cremation and inhumation, primary and secondary burials, individual and collective deposits.

BAR S2576 2013: Archaeology of an Andean Pacarina Settlement Patterns and rituality around Lake Puruhuay, Ancash, Peru by Carolina Orsini and Elisa Benozzi. ISBN 9781407311999. £29.00. 155 pages; illustrated throughout.
€ 58,00.

This study focuses the relationship between man, territory and water resources in the area of Andean Lake Puruhuay (Ancash, Peru). This region is rich in cochas (lakes), each of which has a special place in the local ancient and modern history. Highly specialized hydraulic structures were found in many of the sites investigated during the course of this research, suggesting that water carried out an important role in the area. Keeping aside a strictly economic analysis, studies revealed that specific rites developed in the area surrounding Puruhuay lake. During the pre-Hispanic past, access to Puruhuay and the perpetuation of ritual activities carried out at this stretch of water became an important factor for constructing the prestige and identity of the populations who lived in this area. This factor persists into the present day.

BAR S2575 2013: The Prehistory of Kharagpur Hills, South Bihar (India) by Manoj Kumar Singh. ISBN 9781407311982. £28.00. iii+137 pages; illustrated throughout.
€ 56,00.

Researches in Stone Age prehistory from Bihar (NE India) have been reported from as early as the end of the nineteenth century. Despite these reports a sharp picture of the cultural transformation in this area has not emerged clearly. This study attempts to shed light on the various aspects of the cultural transformation processes from all the districts of Bihar.

BAR S2574 2013: Nómadas en la encrucijada Sociedad, ideología y poder en los márgenes áridos del Levante meridional durante el primer milenio a.C. by Juan Manuel Tebes. ISBN 9781407311975. £34.00. v+189 pages; illustrated; in Spanish with English abstract.
€ 68,00.

This work comprises several studies dealing with the society, economy, ideology and power among the mainly tribal, semi-pastoral communities living and moving around the southern arid margins of the southern Levant, particularly the Negev desert, southern Transjordan (ancient Edom) and north-eastern Sinai during the first millennium BCE. All studies revolve around a central concept: the phenomenon of tribalism. In few words, tribalism constituted the framework around which were structured the local groups’ social institutions, economy, politics and ideology. Key topics such as the manufacture and circulation of local ceramics, the exploitation and trade of copper and incense, the local socio-political fluctuations and emergence of local chiefdoms, and the ideology of kinship and segmentation are studied under this light.

BAR S2573 2013: Coins and Samian Ware A study of the dating of coin-loss and the deposition of samian ware (terra sigillata), with a discussion of the decline of samian ware manufacture in the NW provinces of the Roman Empire, late 2nd to mid 3rd centuries AD by Anthony C. King. ISBN 9781407311944.. vi+322 pages; illustrated.
€ 92,00.

This book reviews Samian ware chronology, c. AD 150-275. A dating scheme is proposed, based upon the stratigraphic association of Samian ware with coins, and using the statistical strength of association between potters or styles with each other and with dated deposits. A new model is also presented for estimating time-lapses between minting and loss for coins of the period. The results extend Central Gaulish Samian ware later than hitherto supposed, and revise the relative sequence of potters. The average period of use of Samian vessels is often quite long, and therefore, close dating of Samian ware is questioned. A concluding discussion looks at the socio-economic significance of Samian ware decline.

BAR S2572 2013: Die Privatgräber von Amarna – Zum Wandel des Grabgedankens in Zeiten eines religiösen Umbruchs by Marion Hesse. ISBN 9781407311937.. viii+137 pages; illustrated throughout in colour and black and white; in German with English summary.
€ 62,00.

The necropolis of Amarna was used for only a very short period of time and therefore presents a unique opportunity for a ‘snapshot’ of private tomb architecture. In this study the archaeological material of the Amarna private tombs is processed, categorized and compared to the simultaneous and topical tombs at Thebes. The comparison (supported by the examination of the wall decoration) shows similarities as well as differences, making it possible to work out characteristics and development in the private tomb architecture at Amarna. The analysis shows clearly that in spite of the small time-frame tomb architecture did not remain entirely consistent, but was rich in variation and development and lived up to the new ideas of religion.

BAR S2571 2013: Early Burial Customs in Northern Egypt Evidence from the Pre-, Proto-, and Early Dynastic Periods by Joanna Debowska-Ludwin. ISBN 9781407311920. 107 pages; 40 figures.
€ 48,00.

The book presents issues relating to the oldest known examples of human mortuary practices from the area of Northern Egypt and dating to the end of the Early Dynastic period. The research surveys changes in sepulchral architecture, offerings, body positioning and other elements of generally understood burial customs. Space is also found for discussions on social stratification, political development of the early Egyptian state and the Lower Egyptian cultural legacy, which contributed to the rich Egyptian civilization. The story focuses on recent archaeological fieldworks with a special stress on the revealing necropolis of Tell el-Farkha.

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