JSTOR - Academic Reserch

27 luglio 2012 - ore 09,00
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    Used by millions for research, teaching, and learning. With more than a thousand academic journals and over 1 million images, letters, and other primary sources, JSTOR is one of the world's most trusted sources for academic content.

    JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content on a trusted platform of academic journals, primary sources, and books (launching in fall 2012).

    JSTOR Launches Arts & Sciences XI

    JSTOR collaborates with hundreds of publishers and content providers to preserve and broaden access to their scholarly content.

    JSTOR connects libraries, researchers, teachers, and students around the world with vital scholarly content in more than 50 disciplines.

    JSTOR provides a growing number of access options for individual researchers.
