Interpreting Transformations of Landscapes and People in Late Antiquit

05 ottobre 2016 - ore 14,21
  • convegno_internazionale_interpreting_transformations_of_landscapes_and_people_in_late_antiquity.jpg
    Convegno Internazionale:  Interpreting Transformations of Landscapes and People in Late Antiquity

    10th-11thOctober 2016

    Sede: Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma-CSIC Via di S. Eufemia 13, 00187 Roma (Sala dei Seminari)

    Escuela Española De Historia y Arqueología en Roma –CSIC and The British School at Rome
    Programme/ Schedule

    Day 1- EEHAR, via di Santa Eufemia 13 (10th October)

    10:30 EEHAR Director’s Greetings
    10:35 Introduction to the two-day workshop (N. Christie & P. Diarte Blasco)

    *Spain section Chair: Simon Esmonde-Cleary

    10:45 La transformazione della società in Hispania nella tarda antichità: 300-700
                            Javier Arce - Professor emeritus of Roman Archeology. Université Lille 3

    11:30 Rural and urban contexts in north-eastern Spain: Examining and interpreting transformations across the 5th - 7th centuries A.D.
                            Pilar Diarte-Blasco - Marie Sklodowska-Curie researcher, University of Leicester

    12:15 Formazione e dinamica di un nuovo paesaggio nel centro della Penisola Iberica (ss. VI-VIII)
                            Lauro Olmo Enciso - Professor of Archaeology. Universidad de Alcalá

    13:00 Discussion & Questions

    *Italy section Chair: Paolo Delogu

    15:00 Città e castelli nelI'Italia settentrionale tra V e VII secolo
    Gian Pietro Brogiolo - Professor of Medieval Archaeology, Università di Padova

    15:45 Villas and beyond. New archaeological insights on the transformation of the late Roman and late antique countryside in northern Italy
    Alexandra Chavarría- Professor of Medieval Archaeology, Università di Padova

    16:30 Coffee break

    17:00 Per omnium villas vicosque cunctos. Riflessioni sui paesaggi rurali di età tardoantica in Italia Meridionale
    Giuliano Volpe - Professor of Christian and Medieaval Archaeology, Università di Foggia- &Roberto Goffredo- Researcher, Università di Foggia

    17:45 Roma. Trasformazione del paesaggio fra tarda antichità e alto medioevo
    Roberto Meneghini - Sovrintendenza di Roma Capitale

    18:30 Discussion & Questions

    Day 2 - BSR, via A. Gramsci 61 (11th October)

    9:15 Greetings from the BSR Director and from N. Christie and P. Diarte Blasco

    * North Africa and Trade in the Mediterranean section Chair: Neil Christie

    9:25 One, Two, Many Landscapes: Modelling Regional Diversity in Late Antique North Africa
    Anna Leone - Reader of Archaeology, University of Durham

    10:10 Trade, economy and change: a view from late antique central Italy
    Helen Patterson - Independent researcher
    10:55 Coffee break

    *France/Gaul section Chair: Alexandra Chavarría

    11:15 Ausonius, Paulinus of Pella and beyond: the transformations of the landscapes of south-western Gaul
    Simon Esmonde-Cleary - Professor of Roman Archaeology, University of Birmingham

    12:00 La Gaule du sud entre Antiquité et MoyenAge (IV-VII s.). Peuplement, paysages, société
    C. Raynaud - Directeur de Recherches au CNRS, Université de Montpellier

    12:45 Discussion & Questions
    13:15 Round Table Discussion. Conclusions