ICCROM - Stefano De Caro

25 aprile 2014 - ore 12,04
  • iccrom_300x204.png
    International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property

    Stefano De Caro, archeologo, ex direttore generale delle Antichità (è la nuova denominazione del settore Archeologia del Mibac), originario di Boscoreale in provincia di Napoli, è il nuovo direttore generale dell’Iccrom, l’International centre for the study of preservation and restoration of cultural property fondato nel 1959 sotto l’egida dell’Unesco. L’istituzione intergovernativa, di cui fanno parte 130 Paesi, sovrintende alla conservazione e al recupero dei Beni culturali mobili e immobili ritenuti patrimonio dell’umanità.
    De Caro resterà in carica sino al 2017 ed è stato designato all’unanimità dall’Assemblea dei rappresentanti le nazioni aderenti all’Iccrom in sostituzione dell’algerino Mounir Bouchenaki, in carica dal 2006. Afghanistan, Iraq ed Emirati Arabi Uniti sono stati accolti nella lista degli Stati membri.
    [di Carlo Avvisati, edizione online, 10 gennaio 2012].


    Stefano De Caro was elected the Director-General of ICCROM during the 27th General Assembly in November 2011. His appointment follows a long career as an archaeologist, author, lecturer and teacher in several Italian universities, and former Director-General of Antiquities with the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (MiBAC).

    Born at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, De Caro pursued a career in the study of classical archaeology beginning with a degree in Humanities from the “Federico II” University of Naples. He later continued his studies in archaeology at the “Sapienza” University of Rome and the Italian School of Archeology in Athens, Greece.

    He began his career with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (MiBAC) in 1976 as an archaeological Inspector in the region of Molise, and later directed the Excavations Office in Pompeii. In 1991, he became Superintendent of archaeological heritage in the provinces of Naples and Caserta, and was later appointed Regional Director of cultural heritage and landscapes in the Campania region. In this capacity, he coordinated the work of various local branches of the Ministry: monuments, sites, museums, national archives, and libraries.
