Accademia di Danimarca - Det Danske Institut i Rom - Pubblicazioni

28 gennaio 2013 - ore 10,53
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    L’Accademia di Danimarca è un  istituto di alta ricerca che pubblica la Rivista Analecta Romana Instituti Danici e  monografie  incentrate su temi relativi all’antichità classica mediterranea che escono nella collana Analecta Romana Instituti Danici  - Supplementa:

    ANALECTA ROMANA - on line:

    ANALECTA ROMANA INSTITUTI DANICI - SUPPLEMENTA: ultimi voll. pubblicati ordinabili a

    XLII/2011. On renaissance academies. Proceedings of the international conference “From the Roman Academy to the Danish Academy in Rome Dall’Accademia Romana all’Accademia di Danimarca a Roma- ISBN: 978-88-7140-452-3 - €  40.00
    Proceedings of the international conference "from the Roman Academy to the Danish Academy in Rome
    Dall'Accademia Romana all'Accademia di Danimarca a Roma"
    Ed. M. Pade,
    I: Rome as Academy
    Karsten Friis-Jensen: TPetrarch, the city of Rome and the Capital
    Per Øhrgaard: Goethe in Rome
    II: Italian Renaissance Academies
    James Hankins: Humanist Academies and the "Platonic Academy of Florence"
    Concetta Bianca: Le accademie a Roma nel Quattrocento
    John Monfasani: Two Fifteenth-Century "Platonic Academies": Bessarion's and Ficino's
    Fabio Stok: Perotti e l'Accademia romana
    Patricia Osmond: Lectiones Sallustianae , Pomponio Leto's Annotations on Sallust: A Commentary for the Academy?
    Marianne Pade: Lectiones Sallustianae. The 1490 Sallust Annotations, the Presentation Copy
    Julia Gaisser: The Mirror of Humanism: Self Reflection in the Roman Academy
    Ingrid D. Rowland: Raphael and the Roman Academy
    III: Danish Renaissance Academies
    Marita Ackhøj Nielsen: Dignæ certè hæ nostræ Ripæ in notitiam veniant externorum. Renaissance culture in Ribe
    Peter Zeeberg: Tycho Brahe's Uraniborg. Research Centre and Aristocratic Residence
    Karen Skovgaard-Petersen: A Danish Equestrian Academy - the Academy of Sorø 1623-1665
    Pade M.
    Quasar Edizioni - Roma, 2011
    Arte e storia dell'arte

    XLI/2009. The world of greek vases - ISBN: 978-88-7140-420-2 - € 38.00
    Isler-Kerényi C. Nørskov V. Hannestad L. Lewis S.
    Cornelia Isler-Kerènyi: The Study of Figured Pottery Today
    Vladimir Stissi: Does Function Follow Form? Archais Greek Pottery in its Find Contexts: Uses amd Meanings
    Dimitri Paleothodoros: Archaeological Context Iconographic Analysis: Case Studies from Greece and Etruria
    Vinnie Nørskov: The Affairs of Lucien Bonaparte and the Impact on the Study of Greek Vases
    Vincenzo Bellelli: Etrusco-Corinthian Notes. A Class of Pottery and its Socio-Economic Context in Two Centuries of Scholarship
    Gunnel Ekroth: Why (not) Paint an Altar? A Study of Where, When and Why Altars appear on Attic Red-figure Vases
    Eleni Hatzivassiliou: Warriors at a Mound: A Puzzle Scene by Theseus and Athena Painters
    Sian Lewis: Athletics on Attic Pottery: Export and Imagery
    Cathrine Morgan: Imports on the Dining Table? The Function of Attic Pottery in the Bosphoran Kingdom
    Diego Elia: Research Perspectives in the Study of South Italian Vase-painting: the case of Red-figure Pottery from Locri Epizephyrii
    Erich Kistler: The Encoding and Decoding of Satyr-symposiasts at Vases in Archaic and Classical Athens
    Ricard Theodore Neer: The Incontinence of Civic Authority:Pictorial Iambos in Athenian Vase-painting
    Stefan Schmidt: Images of Statues on Attic Vases: The Case of the Tyrannicides
    Archeologia classica - Scavi, relazioni e teorie

    XL/2008. Religion and society - ISBN: 978-88-7140-371-7 - € 38.00
    Curato: Rasmussen A.H. Rasmussen S.W. Gradel I. Krasilnikoff J.A. Kristensen K.R.
    Part I: Ritual and Cult
    J. Podemann Sørensen: A Theory of Ritual
    J.A. North:Acting and Ritual in Roman Historians: or how Horatius held the door post
    S.William Rasmussen:Ritual and Identity: a Sociological Perspective on the Expiation of Public Portens in Ancient Rome
    J.F. Miller: Poets atthe Palatine Temple of Apollo
    I. Gradel: Ritual, Death, and Divinity: Titulature in Imperial Epitaphs
    I Mæhle:Female Cult in the Struggle of the Orders
    A.Holm Rasmussen:Priest and Ritual in Ancient Greek Cult
    L. Briut Zaidman:Rites et mythes en Grèce ancienne. Sur les traces de Pausanias
    V. Rosenberger:Gifts and Oracles: Aspects of Religious Communication
    K. Rørby Kristensen:The "Ritual" of Legislation: Some Preliminary Refections on the Interaction of Law and Religion in Ancient Crete

    Part II.Resources and Manpower
    B. Forsén:Resources and Manpower Needed for Constructing Greek Temples - Reflections Stemming from an Arcadian SanctuaryK. Buraselis:Priesthoods for Sale. Comments on Ideological and Financial Aspects of the Sale of Priesthoods in the Greek Cities of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods
    A. Holm Rasmussen:Priests and Liturgies
    J. Wallenstein:Resources for Manpower. Magistrates'Dedications to Aphrodite
    S. William Rasmussen: Sacred Sex as a Resource? Ritual Prostitution and Roman Religion
    C. Kvium:The Ownership og Sacred Things. Observations on Sacred, public and Private Property in the Late Roman Republic and Early Empire

    Part III:Religion and Identity
    S. Price:Memory in Ancient GreeceL. Bruit Zaidman:La notion d'archaisme et la construction de l'identité religieuse dans le monde grec ancien
    J.A. Krasilnikoff:Pan, Attica and religious Innovation from the Persian Wars to the end of the Fourth Century BC
    R. Parker:The Cults of Sub-Groups and Identity in the Greek WorldK. Buraselis:Woven into the Peplos. Aspects of the Combination of Ruler Cult with Elements of the Traditional Polis Identity in the Hellenistic World
    V. Rosenberger:Panhellenic, Athenian, and Local Identities in the Marmor Parium?
    J. Whitley:Identity and sacred Topography: The Sanctuaries of Praisos in Eastern Crete
    B. ForsénSacred Topography and Identity in Arcadia
    S.William Rasmussen:Priests, Politics and Problems in Identity Construction in Ancient Rome
    C. Kvium:Identifying Identities - Some Thought about gentes and gentiles in Archaic Rome
    J.M. Rosenløv:Pious Philosophers. Cosmologies and religious Identities
    J.E. Skydsgaard:Caesar's Horse - A Note
    Archeologia classica - Scavi, relazioni e teorie

    XXXIX/ 2007. Beyond the Roman Frontier Roman Influences on the Northern Barbaricum - ISBN: 88-7140-346-0 - € 32.00
    AA.VV. Curato: Grane Th.
    T. Grane: Did the Romans Really Know (or Care) about Southern Scandinavia? An Archaeological Perspective
    L.M. Imer: Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Northern Barbaricum
    L.M.-B. Højbjerg Bjerg: Roman Coins - Evidence of Possible Nodal Points?
    M. Drevs Dyhrfield-Johnsen: Roman Ideological Influences
    T. Grane: Southern Scandinavia Foederati and Auxiliarii?
    U. Lund Hansen: Barbarians in the North - The Greatest Concentration of Roman Weaponry in Europe
    X. Pauli Jensen: Preliminary Remarks on Roman Military Equipment from the War Booty Sacrifice of Vimose, Denmark
    K.S. Hvid: Reconstruction of the Northern Germanic Armies AD 200
    X. Pauli Jensen: The Use of Archers in the Northern Germanic Armies. Evidence from the Danish War Booty Sacrifices
    S.E. Albrethsen: Logistic Problems in Northern European Iron Age Warfare
    Archeologia classica - Scavi, relazioni e teorie