Opera Minora - Giuseppe Tucci

di Giuseppe Tucci

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  • Prezzo: € 100.00
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    In 2 tomi; 620 pp.
    Tomo I: pp. XXVI+305
    Tomo II: pp. 306 - 615

    Indice della prima parte:

    L. Petech, Introduzione


    Bibliografia degli scritti di Giuseppe Tucci 1911-I970

    Note sulle fonti di Kalidasa

    Note ed appunti sul Divyavadana

    Linee di una storia del materialismo indiano

    Note sul Saudarananda Kavya di Asvaghosa

    The Vadavidhi

    Is the Nyayapravesa by Diinnaga?

    A visit to an «astronomical» temple in India

    Bhamaha and Diinnaga

    Animad versiones Indicae

    A fragment from the Pratitya-samutpada-vyakhya of Vashubandhu

    The Jatinirakrti of Jitari

    Note indologiche

    Notes on the Nyayapravesa by Sankarasvamin

    Indice della seconda parte:

    The sea and land travels of a Buddhist Sadhu in the sixteenth century

    The Ratnavali of Nagarjuna

    Some glosses upon the Guhyasamaja

    On some bronze objects discovered in Western Tibet

    Indian paintings in Western Tibetan temples

    Nel Tibet Centrale: relazione preliminare della spedizione 1939

    Travels of Tibetan pilgrims in the Swat valley

    Alessandro Csma de Koros

    Minor Sanskrit Texts on the Prajnaparamita

    The validity of Tibetan historical tradition

    Preistoria tibetana

    Tibetan Notes

    Buddhist Notes

    Ratnākaraśānti on Aśraya-parāvrtti

    Earth in India and Tibet

    The sacral character of the kings of ancient Tibet

    The symbolism of the temple of bSam-yas

    The Fifth Dalai-Lama as a Sanskrit scholar

    On a sculpture of Gandhara

    A Hindu image in the Himalayas

    The wives of Sron-btsan-sgam-po