Studies and restorations at Persepolis and other sites of Fars - Vol. XVI Reports and Memoris Giuseppe Tucci - ISMEO/1972

di Ann Britt Tilia

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    Volume in 4°, XVII + 416 pp., e tavole ripiegate - Copia Unica

    Introduction (Giuseppe Tucci), p. XI
    Author's foreword, p. XV
    Abbreviations, p. XVII
    I. Restoration work at Persepolis, Naqs-i Rustam and Pasargadae. Rescue work at Dorudzan, p. 1
    II. Contributions to the knowledge of the building history of the Apadana, p. 125
    III. The bas-reliefs of Darius in the Treasury of Persepolis and their original position, p. 173
    IV. The Destroyed Palace of Artaxerxes I at Persepolis and related problems, p. 241
    Bibliography, p. 393
    List of illustrations, p. 397