Hadrianeum - Roberto Novelli - non dosponibile

di a cura di Roberto Novelli

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    Roma : Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura, 2005. - 363 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. ((Testo in inglese eitaliano)

    Andrea Mondello Preface. 6
    Luciano Marchetti The flux of history in the stones of the Hadrianeum. 8
    Angelo Bottini Visibility and space in Piazza di Pietra. 10
    Maurizio Galletti The functional conversion of the former Rome Stock Exchange
    in Piazza di Pietra. The restoration of previous restorations. 12
    Claudio Strinati An active site of modern cultural life. 14
    Roberto Novelli Rome and culture: an indissoluble link. 16
    Raffaele Mambella Publius Aelius Hadrianus. Emperor and artist. 22
    Caterina Papi The age of the Antonines. Hadrianeum and political propaganda. 52
    Claudio Parisi Presicce The enclosure of the Hadrianeum. Geographical personifications,
    trophies and other elements of the architectonic composition. 76
    Ludovico Gatto The uses of the Temple of Hadrian. The Middle Ages. 120
    Beatrice Cacciotti The Temple of Hadrian. Antiquarian research and iconographic
    documentation from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. 174
    Cecilia Altobelli The Chigi Codex. The transfer of the market from
    Piazza del Pantheon to Piazza di Pietra. 206
    Simonetta Ciranna The Stock Exchange of Roma capitale. The «difficult and rare
    invention in joining the modern with the ancient». 232
    Marina Pennini The material of the Temple. Conservation, Archaeology,
    History and the Science of signs. 270
    Paola Santilli The monumental complex of the Temple.
    The seat of the Chamber of Commerce of Rome. 312
    Antonella Belliazzi
    and Roberto Novelli The future of the Hadrianeum. 320
    Bibliographia 331
    Tabula gratulatoria 357
    Index Nominum 358