Eurasian Studies, vol. I/ 2002

di Aa.Vv.

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    Volume I Number 1 June 2002
    Maria Szuppe,
    Ashirbek Muminov
    Un document généalogique (nasab-n…ma) d’une
    famille de ³w…ja Yasaw† dans le Khanat de
    Kokand (XIX s.) 1
    Rosita D’Amora Eight documents concerning the manumission of
    slaves by the Pio Monte della Misericordia in
    Naples (1681-1682) 37
    Marco Salati Shiism in Ottoman Syria: a document from the
    Q…ÿ† court of Aleppo (963/1555) 77
    Eugenia Kermeli Sin and the sinner: folles femmes in Ottoman Crete 85
    Ebru Boyar British archaeological travellers in nineteenthcentury
    Anatolia: Anatolia ‘without’ Turks 97
    Salih Özbaran In search of another identity: the ‘Rumi’ perception
    in the Ottoman realm 115
    Eugenia Kermeli Review article: Ottoman law in an Islamic context
    (H. Gerber, L. Fredrikson and C. Imber) 129
    Reviews 137
    Recent Articles 159