Private Domini in Roman Brick Stamps of the Empire. A Historical and Prosopographical Study of Landowners in the district of Rome - Setälä P. Vol. 9.2 Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae - Esaurito

di Setälä P.

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    Casa Editrice:
    Institutum Romanum Finlandiae

    Studio della posizione del dominus in bolli laterizi a Roma e dintorni. Si illustra, con l'aiuto della ricerca prosopografica, il ruolo dei proprietari di terre nella storia economica, politica e sociale dell'Impero romano.

    Sommario: I. Introduction; II. The Prosopographies of Domini; III. Dominus Group; IV. Transference of Landed Property; Conclusions; Appendix No. 1: Remarks on domini and other persons from brick stamps of the first century; Appendix No. 2: Domini of the second and early third centuries in chronological order; Appendix No. 3: Private domini of the figlinae mentioned by name; Appendix No. 4 Appendices connected with results from brick stamp data; Appendix No. 5: Remarks on persons who are not expressed as owners of figlinae and praedia; Appendix No. 6: Stemma No. 1 Domitii and Annii, Stemma No. 2 Trajan and Hadrian, Stemma No. 3 Septimius Severus; Bibliography and Abbreviations; Indexes.