SAAB Bulletin - State Archives of Assyria Bulletin - Vol. 29 (XXIX) - 2023


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    SAAB Bulletin - State Archives of Assyria Bulletin - Vol. 29 (XXIX) - 2023

    1–5 JACOB JAN DE RIDDER, A Re-evaluation of the Assyrian Letter A 1587
    7–30 SORENA FIROUZI AND JAMIE NOVOTNY, Revising the Locations of Several Cities in the Western Region of the Iranian Plateau
    31–37 AHMED A. JAWAD AND ELHAM HASHIM ALI, A New Esarhaddon Prism Fragment from Babylon
    39–72 JULIAN EDGEWORTH READE, Hunting, Shooting and Ashurbanipal’s Garden Room
    73–92 ZACHARY RUBIN, A Student’s Prayer to Nabû and Tašmetu (STT 1 66) in Its Religious and Pedagogical Context

    State Archives of Assyria Bulletin (SAAB) is published twice a year as an international forum for discussion on Assyria and Assyrian texts. The journal is concerned with articles illustrating the history, philology and linguistics of the texts stemming from the ancient Assyrian state archives, and any related topic. The journal was conceived as part of the Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project and was originally intended to supplement the SAA series of text publications by offering a vehicle for the publication of new texts and of detailed commentary on texts or text genres that would be out of place in the format established for the SAA volumes. SAAB quickly outgrew these narrow limitations and now accepts articles on any topic relating to Assyria in its largest sense, including philology, history, geography and archaeology.

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