The Lady of Pottery. Ceramic Studies Presented to Penelope A. Mountjoy in Acknowledgement of Her Outstanding Scholarship - Supplemento 3 - SMEA - Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici


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    A cura di: Anna Lucia D’Agata, Peter Pavúk

    Materie: Archeologia
    Formato: 21x27
    Pagine: 228


    Anna Lucia D’Agata, Peter Pavúk
    Penelope A. Mountjoy. Building History through Pottery
    Penelope A. Mountjoy. Publications

    1. Yiouli Chatzina, Eleftheria Kardamaki, Maria Kostoula, Joseph Maran, Alkestis Papadimitriou
    I See Friends Shaking Hands … An Early Evidence for a Long-Lasting Social Gesture on a Mycenaean Pictorial Krater from Tiryns

    2. Birgitta Eder, Jasmin Huber
    LH IIB Kakovatos and the Formation of the Mycenaean Pottery Repertoire

    3. Birgitta P. Hallager
    Minoans versus Mycenaeans

    4. Konstantina Kaza Papageorgiou, Eleftheria Kardamaki
    The Pictorial Jar and the Group of Tin Coated Vases from Tomb 15 at the Mycenaean Cemetery of Dendra

    5. Robert B. Koehl
    A Cult Statue Rendered on a Mycenaean Vase from Cyprus

    6. Irene Nikolakopoulou
    Regional Minoan Pottery? A View from Aegean Late Bronze I Transport Jars from Akrotiri, Thera

    7. Peter Pavúk, Luca Girella, Magda Pieniążek, Filip Franković
    The Upper Interface Twenty-five Years Later. The Northeast Aegean Islands and the West Anatolian Coast during the Late Bronze Age

    8. Jeremy B. Rutter
    Ephyraean: Shapes, Patterns, Distributions, and Places of Manufacture

    9. Argiro Soubasi, Maria Kassimi-Soutou
    A Jug with Cutaway Neck from the Mycenaean Cemetery of Kamini, Vari in Attica

    10. Louise Steel
    Mycenaean Pottery from the Cypriot Hinterland: Luxuries, Commodities or Oddities?

    11. Salvatore Vitale, Katarzyna Dudlik
    Some Unpublished Mycenaean Figurines from the Serraglio on Kos and Their Cultural Significance