Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche - Prehistory and protohistory of ancient civilizations - Vol. XLVI (46) / 2022


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    Anno edizione: 2022
    Collana: Origini, 46
    Issn: 0474-6805
    Materie: Archeologia
    Formato: 17x24
    Pagine: 206
    Lingua: Inglese

    Rivista di Preistoria e Protostoria delle Civiltà Antiche
    Review of prehistory and protohistory of ancient civilizations


    The Standardisation of the PPNB Lithic Industry From Er-Rahib (Wadi el-Yabis, Jordan):
    A Statistical Analysis
    Eugenio Nobile, Cecilia Conati Barbaro

    The Circulation and Use of Lapis Lazuli and Carnelian in Mesopotamia Between the
    Late Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age I
    Michael Campeggi

    Pot Sealing Practice in the Late Fourth and Third Millennia BC: the Northern Levant
    Between Connectivity and Regionalism
    Valentina Tumolo

    Settlement Organization and Traits of Material Culture in The Malatya Plain
    Along the Upper Euphrates Between the End of the 3rd and the Beginning of the 2nd
    Millennium Bc: Patterns of Change and Elements of Continuity
    Gian Maria Di Nocera

    Sensing the Bronze Age. Non-Invasive Geophysical Prospection in the Archaeology of
    Bronze Age Italy and Adjacent Areas
    Wieke de Neef

    The Buildings Outside the Terramara of Forno del Gallo in Beneceto (Parma-Italy)
    Maria Bernabò Brea, Lorenza Bronzoni, Paolo Bertolotti, Mauro Cremaschi, Stefano Costanzo,
    Carmen Basile