Treasure of Chianti: Silver Coinage of the Roman Republic from Cetamura del Chianti


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  • Prezzo: € 40.00
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    Siena, Museo di Santa Maria della Scala - May 29-September 2, 2021

    by Lora L. Holland Goldthwaite,

    with contributions by Nancy T. de Grummond, Jacopo Tabolli, Nóra Marosi, Jacopo Mazzoni, Federico Ponchio, and Marco Callieri

    An exciting discovery of 194 silver Roman coins on the Chianti hills

    This is the so-called “Treasure of Chianti”, found in 2015 in Cetamura, thanks to the collaboration of the Florida State University, the Friends of Florence Foundation and the Restoration Laboratories of the Santa Maria della Scala Museum Complex in Siena.

    The excavation directed by Nancy T. de Grummond brought to light this precious treasure unique of its kind, which, after the necessary cleaning phase, was then photographed by with the RTI method (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) and the beautiful images of a selection of 30 coins were used for this volume and for the exhibition at Santa Maria della Scala.