Lectures on Trajan’s Column and its Architect Apollodorus of Damascus - A cura di Cinzia Conti


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  • Prezzo: € 780.00
    Aggiungi Carrello


    2022, 796 pp., 500 ill. col., 5 colour Plates, 91 x 94 cm fold-out tav.
    Copertina cartonata in tela, 24 x 31 cm

    With Parallel Italian Text, 10 Tables

    Preface by Alfonsina Russo
    Introduction by Filippo Coarelli
    Note to the Reader
    1. A Byzantine Prayer
    Cinzia Conti
    2. The 1981-1988 Restoration
    Cinzia Conti
    3. Notes on Trajan's Column
    Cinzia Conti, and Giangiacomo Martines
    4. "Fantiscritti". The quarries and marble of Trajan's Column
    Matthias Bruno
    5. Columna cochlis Traiani. Order and Structure
    Giangiacomo Martines
    6. The solea of the base of the Column. Traces and evidence of construction work
    Matthias Bruno
    7. Squaring the storied frieze
    Cinzia Conti, and Giangiacomo Martines
    8. Small Circles on the Capital
    Cinzia Conti, and Giangiacomo Martines
    9. The Workmanship
    Cinzia Conti, and Giangiacomo Martines
    10. The Tools
    Daniele De Tomassi
    11. The Epigraph on the Podium: Plan and Letters
    Cinzia Conti
    12. Portraits of Trajan
    Cinzia Conti
    13. Trajan's Smile
    Cinzia Conti
    14. The War Engines before Sarmizegethusa Regia
    Giangiacomo Martines
    15. View from a distance
    Cinzia Conti
    16. Colour Fantasies
    Cinzia Conti, and Giangiacomo Martines
    17. That particular ancient colour
    Cinzia Conti, and Giangiacomo Martines
    18. The 'Maestro delle Gesta di Traiano' and his Stonemasons
    Cinzia Conti
    19. The walled-up Cella inside the Podium
    Michele Campisi
    20. Graffiti on the Staircase
    Michele Campisi
    21. The Technical Portrayal: Devices on the storied frieze
    Cinzia Conti, and Giangiacomo Martines
    22. The feats achieved by Apollodorus for Trajan: The Column and other architectural milestones
    Cinzia Conti, and Giangiacomo Martines
    23. The death of Apollodorus
    Cinzia Conti, and Giangiacomo Martines
    24. A catalogue of the types of architecture and the landscape on the storied frieze
    Cinzia Conti, and Giangiacomo Martines
    25. Lighting the Trajan's Column. Interview with Francesa, and Vittorio Storaro
    26. Photographing Trajan's Column. Interview with Zeno Colantoni
    27. Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli, "Io e ... La Colonna Traiana" 1972

    Feasibility study for a glass structure to protect the Column of Marcus Aurelius, as a workshop for the 1981 restorers.
    Interview with Andrea Bruno
    By Cinzia Conti, Enrica Giaccaglia, and Giangiacomo Martines

    Works cited
    I Warriors' pierced fists
    II The Epigraph
    III Trajan's Appearances
    IV The Masons
    V A 'Silent Chart' of the storied Frieze