Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche - Prehistory and protohistory of ancient civilizations - Vol. XLV (45) / 2021


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    Anno edizione: 2021
    Collana: Origini, 45

    Formato: 17x24
    Pagine: 254
    Lingua: Inglese

    Rivista di Preistoria e Protostoria delle Civiltà Antiche
    Review of prehistory and protohistory of ancient civilizations


    PARTE 1

    Connections between the northern Zagros and Mesopotamia during the fifth
    millennium BCE: New insights from Tepe Namashir in western Iran, Morteza Zamani Dadaneh, Steve Renette, Amir Saed Mucheshi

    Petrography-based discrimination of production areas within southern Mesopotamia:
    new data on the Ubaid pottery from Tell Zurghul (Dhi Qar, Iraq), Luca Volpi, Pamela Fragnoli

    Nuragic warrior imagery: transcultural perspectives on Bronze Age weaponry, Valentina Matta, Helle Vankilde

    Santa Maria in Belverde, Cetona (Siena, Tuscany): Anticipatory Elements of the Apennine Facies in the Middle Bronze Age Stratigraphic Sequence, Chiara De Marco, Maria Teresa Cuda, Lucia Sarti

    PARTE 2

    Proceeding of the session held at the 24th Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Barcelona 2018

    The Making of Adriatc and Ionian seascapes. Interpreting seaborne social and
    economic interactions during Late prehistory. Foreword, Maja Gori, Giulia Recchia

    Trans-Adriatic contacts after the transition to farming, Stašo Forenbaher

    Connecting the dots in the Adriatic-Ionian area. Long-distance networks in the 3RD
    millennium B.C., Maja Gori, Andrea Di Renzoni, Elena Carletti

    Northern Adriatic communities in the Broze Age: interregional exchange networks
    and regional social interaction, Elisabetta Borgna, Giulio Simeoni

    The Role of Istria in the Bronze and Iron Age communications network of the Adriatic
    considered by the ceramic spectrum of the gradinas Monkodonja and Monbrodo, Anja Hellmuth Kramberger
    Modeling Mycenean trade: Apulia and Albania compared. Michael L. Galaty

    Overland, riverine and maritime interconnections in ancient Epirus, Ole Christian Aslaksen


    V. BARTASH Establishing Value: Weight Measures in Early Mesopotamia, Andrea Rebecca Marrocchi Savoi