The Basilica in Roman Palestine - Antonio Dell’Acqua; Orit Peleg-Barkat


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    Materie: Archeologia
    Formato: 21x28
    Pagine: 315
    Lingua: Inglese

    Despite significant and well-preserved archaeological remains, cities in Roman Palestine were somewhat neglected in general discussions on Roman architecture, compared to other regions of the Empire. This book intends to fill in the gap and focuses on one of the most typical monuments of the Roman city - the basilica. With the advance of Roman conquest around the Mediterranean, basilica structures were erected also in the provinces. But how common was the basilica in the peripheral provinces? The adoption and adaptation of the Roman basilica in the Eastern Empire in general and in Roman Palestine, in particular, stand as the main issues discussed in the workshop, whose proceedings are presented in this volume. The primary aim of this workshop and its proceedings is to investigate the roles and architectural layouts of the basilicas in the cities of Roman Palestine with their heterogeneous ethnic and religious makeup. The case studies from Jerusalem, Sepphoris, Hippos-Sussita, and Ashkelon are described and examined against the background of comparanda from Arabia, North Africa, Sicily, and Italy.



    The Basilica in Roman Palestine: Shedding Light on the Penetration of Roman Architecture into the Roman East, Antonio Dell’Acqua – Orit Peleg-Barkat

    I. The Roman Basilica between Roman Tradition and Jewish Perspective
    Decoration and Display in the Roman Civic Basilicas, Matteo Cadario

    Basilica and Other Colonnades: A Rabbinic Theorization of the Public Sphere, Gil P. Klein

    II. The Basilica in the Jewish Cities of Roman Palestine
    The Royal Portico on the Temple Mount: Between Historical Text and Archaeological Finds, Orit Peleg-Barkat

    The Roman Basilica at Sepphoris: Initial Thoughts and Interpretations, Shulamit Miller – Zeev Weiss

    III. The Basilica in the Cities of Roman Palestine and Arabia

    The Basilica of Ashkelon between Herod and the Severan Dynasty, Rachel Bar-Nathan – Saar Ganor

    The Basilica of Ashkelon and its Décor, Antonio Dell’Acqua

    The Basilica of Hippos of the Decapolis and a Corpus of the Regional Basilicae. Michael Eisenberg

    Gerasa of the Decapolis: Basilica and Civic Centre, Jacques Seigne

    IV. The Roman Basilica in North Africa
    The Antonine Basilica at Utica (Tunisia), Ben Russell

    Adaption and Autonomy in the Architecture of Roman North Africa. The Basilica of Meninx, a Case Study, Linda Stoeßel

    V. Roman Basilicas in Italy and Sicily between the Late Republic and Imperial Periods
    The Architecture of the Roman Basilica in Sicily: Case Studies from the Northern Coast Cities, aRocco Burgio – Leonardo Fuduli

    The Basilica in the Region of Latium: The Case of Tibur and Praeneste, Martin Tombrägel

    The Civic Basilica at Luni: an Update, Chiara Bozzi