Studies in Costantinian numismatics - Vol. 12 Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae

di Bruun P.

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    Numero Pagine:

    100 ill., 12 tavv.

    Casa Editrice:
    Edizioni Quasar

    Raccolta dei più importanti articoli di P. Bruun pubblicati tra il 1954 e il 1988. I venti lavori qui presentati trattano prevalentemente di numismatica costantiniana.

    Sommario: Foreword. Preface. Editorial Note. Abbreviations. Bibliography. Constantinian Mint Policy and the Imperial Vota; The System of the Vota Coinages. Co-ordination of Issues in the Costantinian Empire; The Disappearance of Sol from the Coins of Constantine; Roman Imperial Administration as mirrored in the IV Century Coinage; The Christian Signs on the Coins of Constantine; Early Christian Symbolism on Coins and Inscriptions; A Law concerning Tax Payment in Gold and the Constantinian Solidus; Constantine’s Dies imperii and Quinquennalia in the Light of the Early Solidi of Trier; Constantine’s Change of Dies Imperii; Portrait of a Conspirator. Constantine’s Break with the Tetrarchy; Site Finds and Hoarding Behaviour; Follis - a Money Bag in Palace Perspective; Nummi e centenionales. Nuovi punti di partenza della numismatica costantiniana; The Negotiations of the Conference of Carnuntum; Quantitative Analysis of Hoarding in Periods of Coin Deterioration; The Source Value of Imperial Coin Portraits (the Fourth Century A.D.); From Polis to Metropolis. Notes on Thessalonica in the Administration of the Late Empire; Constans Maximus Augustus; The Heraclean Coinage of Maximinus Daza. A Drastic Proposal; Centur Revisited. Notes on the Aes Coinage of the Mint of Siscia under Licinius (A.D. 308-313). Scientific Bibliography of Patrick Bruun. Index..