Etruscan Mirrors West Coast Collections. Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum. USA 5 - Helen Nagy, Evelyn E. Bell


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    Drawings by Barbara Forbes

    Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum. USA, 5
    2021, 182 pp., 71 ill. b/n, 92 tav.
    Copertina cartonata con sovraccoperta, 23 X 32 cm
    ISBN: 9788891321855
    ISSN: 2612-467X

    This fascicle of the Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum, which has been long in the making, is a collaborative effort between colleagues and friends: Evelyn Bell and Helen Nagy. Evelyn Bell contributed the catalogue entries on the mirrors in the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Frank V. de Bellis Collection at San Francisco State University. Helen Nagy was responsible for the catalogue entries on the mirrors at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; the J. Paul Getty Museum; the Santa Barbara Museum of Art; the Art Museum at the University of California, Santa Barbara; and the Seattle Art Museum.

    Analysis of the chemical composition of the mirrors is an invaluable tool to help scholars determine where the mirrors were manufactured and whether or not they are Etruscan, Roman, or even authentic works of art. Six of the mirrors in Berkeley were analyzed, while the remaining twelve were unfortunately either too fragile or corroded to allow for sampling. The mirrors in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the Seattle Art Museum were tested, the one at San Francisco State University was not. Jesse Obert, a scholar and doctoral candidate at the University of California, Berkeley, has ably summarized the results of these analyses.

    Notes on classification and terminology


    Berkeley, California: University of California, Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology (E.E. Bell)

    1. 8-80 (Plain circular mirror)
    2. 8-229B (Plain tang mirror)
    3. 8-230A (Plain circular mirror)
    4. 8-230B (Plain miniature mirror)
    5. 8-1176 (Mirror handle)
    6. 8-1178 (Fragments of tang mirror with Lasa)
    7. 8-1180 (Fragments of plain circular mirror)
    8. 8-1181 (Fragments of plain circular mirror)
    9. 8-1182 (Fragments of plain circular mirror)
    10. 8-1378 (Tang mirror with Lasa)
    11. 8-3228 (Tang mirror with Perseus)
    12. 8-3229 (Plain tang mirror)
    13. 8-3231 (Fragments of plain circular mirror)
    14. 8-3861 (Tang mirror with Menerva)
    15. 8-3862 (Tang mirror with Eros and warrior)
    16. 8-3863 (Handle mirror with Tyro and sons)
    17. 8-3865 (Plain tang mirror)
    18. 8-5859 (Handle mirror with four figures)

    San Francisco, California: San Francisco State University De Bellis Collection (E. E. Bell)

    19. 253 (Handle mirror with Dioskouroi)

    Los Angeles, California: County Museum of Art (H. Nagy)

    20. 50.37.17 (Modern mirror with Peleus and Thetis)
    21. 50.37.20b (Tang mirror with bathing scene)
    22. M.84.268 (Handle mirror with Dioskouroi)

    Malibu, California: J. Paul Getty Museum (H. Nagy)

    23. 71.AC.152 (Relief mirror cover with Eros, Dionysos and maenad)
    24. 77.AC.100 (Handle mirror with four figures)

    Santa Barbara, California: City Museum (H. Nagy)

    25. 1981.64.7 (Tang mirror with Menelaos threatening Helen)

    Santa Barbara, California: University of California Art Museum (H. Nagy)

    26. 1981.74 (Handle mirror with Dioskouroi)
    Seattle, Washington: Seattle Art Museum (H. Nagy)

    27. 48.23 (Tang mirror with maenad)
    28. 48.36 (Tang mirror with Judgment of Paris)

    APPENDIX – Chemical Analysis Results (Jesse Obert)
    FIGURES (1-28)
    Photographic Credits