City of Encounters. Public Spaces and Social Interaction in Ancient Rome - a cura di Maria Letizia Caldelli, Cecilia Ricci


  • Anno Edizione:
  • 2020
  • Argomento:
  • Urbanistica
  • ISBN:
  • 978-88-5491-057-7
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  • Prezzo: € 35.00
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    A cura di: Maria Letizia Caldelli, Cecilia Ricci
    Anno edizione: 2020
    Collana: RomeScapes

    Materie: Archeologia, Storia antica, Topografia antica, Epigrafia
    Formato: 17x24
    Pagine: 280

    Marta García Morcillo, Cecilia Ricci, James H. Richardson, Federico Santangelo, RomeScapes. Social and Cultural Topographies of the City of Rome:
    A New Book Series

    Maria Letizia Caldelli and Cecilia Ricci, City of Encounters: Public Spaces and Social Interaction in Ancient Rome

    Andrea Angius, Places of Political Interaction and Representation in the City of Rome

    Margaret Andrews and Seth Bernard, Spaces of Economic Exchange

    Christer Bruun, Places of Personal Care and Physical Exercise

    Jonathan Edmondson, The Spatial, Social and Political Landscape of Public Spectacle from Augustus to Severus Alexander

    Nicolas Tran, The Meeting Places of Associations in the City of Rome

    Françoise Van Haeperen, Roman Places of Collective Worship as Meeting Places

    Notes on the contributors