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  • Prezzo: € 120.00
    Aggiungi Carrello


    In 8° bross. edit., 210 pp. 

    L. Nigro - D. Montanari - G. Cecconi - M. Ghayyada - J. Yasine -
    Khalet al-Jam’a. A Bronze and Iron Ages necropolis near Bethlehem
    (Palestine): results of the 2019 archaeological excavations 1
    F. Zielli - An amphora with painted palmette motif from Area B at Motya 23
    L. Nigro - D. Montanari - R. Gharib - Qalet Hamra:
    a Mamluk khan north of Zarqa, Jordan 47
    G. Petrantoni - ‘Le dolci acque del fiume’.
    Riflessioni filologiche sull’arabo al-furāt e sulla sua radice frt 59
    F. Giusfredi - V. Pisaniello - KUB 37.122: a Mesopotamian lexical list? 65
    M.C. Benvenuto - F. Pompeo - Some remarks on the accusative in Old Persian 81
    C.G. Cereti - From Middle to New Persian:
    written materials from Northern Iran and Khorasan 95
    T. Daryaee - From Zoroastrian to Islamic Iran:
    a note on the Christian intermezzo 109
    K. Rezakhani - Miirosan to Khurasan: Huns, Alkhans and the creation of East Iran 121
    L. Ebanista - Excavations at Istakhr in 2012: a deep stratigraphical insight 139
    M.V. Fontana - S. Mancini - Islamic clay figurines from excavations at Istakhr
    and a suggested use of the animal-shaped specimens 155
    V. Laviola - The bird-shaped finial on Islamic royal parasols:
    A Ghaznavid or Fatimid innovation? 185
    G. Maresca - Hydraulic infrastructures in South-western Iran
    during the Sasanian Period: some archaeological remarks 207