Rivista di Studi Fenici XLV - 2017 Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico

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  • Prezzo: € 70.00
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    Formato:   21x27
    Allestimento:   Brossura
    Numero Pagine:   232
    Illustrazioni:  in bn + VII tavv. a colori


    Francisco Nuñez Calvo, The Phoenician Plates Overseas and their Sequential and Chronological Connections with the Motherland.
    Hélène Sader, The Assyrian Empire and Phoenicia’s Cultural Resistance.
    Corinne Bonnet, Cartographier les mondes divins à partir des épithètes. Prémisses et ambitions d’un projet de
    recherche européen (ERC Advanced Grant).
    José- Ángel Zamora, The miqim elim. Epigraphic evidence for a specialist in the Phoenician-Punic cult.
    Paula Waiman-Barak, Ayelet Gilboa, Assaf Yasur-Landau, Eran Arie, Iron Age Phoenician Pottery at Tel Achziv: Two Commercial Snapshots Based on Optical Mineralogy.
    Nicholas C. Vella, Anthony Bonanno, Maxime Anastasi, Babette Bechtold, Rebecca Farrugia, Katrin Fenech, Dennis Mizzi, Lieven Verdonck, Abigail Zammit, A View from the Countryside. The Nature of the Late Punic and Early Roman Activity at the Zejtun Villa Site, Malta.
    Antonella Mezzolani Andreose, Sotto lo sguardo di Medusa: antefisse con gorgoneion a Mozia.
    Roald Docter, Andrea Perugini, Karen Ryckbosch, Punic Painted Ware Pottery from Uzita (Tunisia).
    Imed Ben Jerbania, La céramique sarde trouvée à Utique: quelle signification?
    José Luis López Castro, The Social Structure and Political Institutions of the Western Phoenicians in the Western Extreme of the Mediterranean.
    Tavole a colori.