VICINO ORIENTE - Vol. XXI (21) /2017 ISSN 0393-0300


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    A. Catastini - Ricordo di Giovanni Garbini (1931-2017)

    Nigro - D. Montanari - A. Guari - M. Tamburrini - P. Izzo - M. Ghayyada - I. Titi - J. Yasine - New archaeological features in Bethlehem (Palestine): the Italian-Palestinian rescue season of 2016

    J. Bogdani - The archaeological atlas of Coptic literature. A question of method

    V. Pisaniello - Hittite (ninda) kaz(za)mi(t)-

    A.L. Corsi - A brief note on the Early Abbasid stucco decoration.
    Madinat al-Far and the first Friday Mosque of Isfahan

    F. Duva - New perspectives on the first Abbasid Masjid-i Jumʿa of Iṣfahān

    V. Laviola - Three Islamic inkwells from Ghazni excavation

    R. Giunta - Tombeaux et inscriptions funéraires de Ghazni (Afghanistan).
    Quelques documents inédits Du XIe-XIIIe siècle

    M.V. Fontana - Qalʿa-Iṣṭakhr and the Si Gunbadān

    L. Colliva - G. Terribili - A forgotten Sasanian sculpture. The fifth bust of Narseh from the monument of Paikuli

    M. Di Cesare - A note on an Umayyad carved ivory plaque kept at the Walters Art Gallery

    A. Santi - The role of Madīna in the emergence of the Mosque-Dār al-Imāra combination: a preliminary note

    L. Nigro - D. Montanari - M. Ghayyada - J. Yasine - The el-Atan Tomb: an Early Bronze IVB female burial in the heart of Palestine

    V. Laviola - Unpublished Islamic bronze cauldrons from private collections: two early and one very late specimens

    D. Montanari - Bollettino delle attività del Museo del Vicino Oriente, Egitto e Mediterraneo della Sapienza, anno 2017

    A. Ten - Roma, il culto di Iside e Serapide in Campo Marzio: alcuni aggiornamenti