Termini. Cornerstone of Modern Rome - Papers of the Royal Netherlands Intitute in Rome, 65


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    Autore:    Weststeijn A. Whitling F.

    Formato: 21x28

    Allestimento: Brossura

    Numero Pagine: 168

    Illustrazioni: in bn e a colori

    Sommario: Introduction: Servio Tullio prende il treno
    Mixing memory and desire: heritageography in Modern Rome
    Confronting the "classical": Roots and regulations

    I - Termini Before Termini
    Walls and Gauls: The area of Termini in antiquity
    Sunlit symbolism: Termini from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century
    Return to the villa: Archaeology and commerce in the Enlightenment

    II - Termini I: From Papal Station to Italian Station
    "Chemin de fer, chemin d'enfer": Building a papal railway
    The expropriation of Villa Massimo
    A Station is born: Excavating the Servian wall
    Focal point of the nation: Destruction and discovery

    III - The Five Hundred and the Lion. Negotiating Terms at Termini
    Remembering a King and five hundreds soldiers: The Dogali monument
    Restaging empire: The archaeological exhibition of 1911
    The obelisk and the lion: The fascist takeover at Termini

    Termini II: Fascist Flanks, Roman Dinosaur
    "The first and last salute from Rome": Debating the future of Termini
    Enter Mazzoni: The modern and the classical
    War: From optimism to opportunism
    Changing façades: the post-war competition and the final design
    The last debate: Terminating Termini

    Conclusion: Servio Tullio perde il treno?
    Heritageography, memory and desire
    Cornered stones, cornerstone

    Index of names
    Publications of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome.