Virtual restoration. Paintings and mosaics. With the contribution of Claudio Germinario e Laura Schepis - Massimo Limoncelli (Studia Archaeologica, 218 )


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  • Prezzo: € 120.00
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    Rilegatura: Paperback
    Pagine: 200, 138 ill. B/N, 69 ill. Col.
    Formato: 17 x 24 cm  


    Richard Hodges

    Norbert Zimmermann

    Massimo Limoncelli

    1 - The Virtual Restoration of Paintings and Mosaics
    1.1. The Virtual Restoration of Paintings and Mosaics
    1.2. Virtual Diagnostics and Restoration: Surface Analysis
    1.3. Communication and enhancement of virtual restoration

    2 - Surface relief
    2.1. Relief and digital preservation
    2.2. 2D photogrammetric
    2.3. Relief with support grid
    2.4. Camera scanner
    2.5. Laser scanner

    3 - Representation of surfaces
    3.1. Representation issues
    3.2. Representations without distortion: flat projections and development projections
    3.3. Distortion representations: perspective projections and 3D visualizations
    3.4. Graphic reduction scale

    4 - Preparation of surfaces
    4.1. Image optimization and surface cleaning
    4.2. Levels and Curves
    4.3. The Point of Black and White
    4.4. Tone and Contrast
    4. 5. Exposition
    4.6. Chromatic alterations

    5 - Surface Mapping and Noninvasive Analysis
    5.1. Synoptic mapping and quantitative analysis of degrades
    5.2. Mapping with thermal imaging
    5.3. Infra-red and false color mappings
    5.4. Mapping and qualitative analysis in XRF and rama spectroscopy

    This volume is the first of a series of books dedicated to individual areas of Virtual Restoration, which today represents one of the possible ways to know, preserve, safeguard and enhance works of art. Through the examination of numerous case studies, this book deals with the restoration of pictorial and mosaic surfaces and all the topics related to restoration through the use of digital technologies: from the relief to the representation of decorated surfaces, the integration of gaps to virtual iconographic reconstruction up to the use of non-invasive diagnostic analysis. For each individual issue, solutions are compatible with the principles, rules and methods of real restoration, according to the axiom physical restoration to preserve and virtual restoration to enhance: an evolving methodology.

    Massimo Limoncelli is an archaeologist and teaches Virtual Archeology at the ISUFI High School of the Salento University and 3D Digital Modeling Techniques at the Lecce Academy of Fine Arts. He participates in excavation and restoration activities with renown Italian and foreign research institutes such as the Universities of Salento, Calabria, Bari, Naples, and Venice, the CNR-Ibam, the Deutsches Archaologisches Institut Rom, the University of Zurich, the Institute of Fine Arts, New York, and the University Of Texas. He has conducted research on Virtual Archeology in the Mediterranean, particulary at Hierapolis of Frigia (Turkey), Dime (Egypt), Leptis Magna (Libya), Nabeul (Tunisia), Rome, Selinunte, and Metapontum.