Atti del 12° Colloquio AIEMA -Association internationale pour l’étude de mosaïque antique - (Venezia, 11-15 settembre 2012) - Giordana Trovabene (a cura di)


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  • Prezzo: € 130.00
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    Verona: Scripta, Association Internationale pour l’Étude de la Mosaïque Antique,  25cm., pbk., 640pp. illus., most in color.

    Includes: K. Abdallah, Mosaïque funéraire découverte dans la région d’Apamée ; C. Angelelli, Pavimenti inediti e poco noti dalla mansio di Quarto di Corzano (Roma) ; A. Barbet, Les rapports entre mosaïque pariétale et peinture murale a l’époque romaine ; F. Bisconti, Il mosaico parietale nella Roma paleocristiana - dalla committenza imperiale ai programmi pontifici ; M. Carucci, Floor and Wall Mosaics for the Decoration of the Domestic Basins in Roman Africa: Viewing Images ; G. Caruso, Prima delle terme di Traiano: mosaici parietali dal colle Oppio ; S. Cox, Bringing Up Baby - Five Unpublished Panels in the Kimbros Mosaic Series ; M. Duran Kremer, A Contribution to the Study of Roman Mosaics of Western Algarve - the Mosaics of S. Pedro do Pulgao and Meia Praia ; A. El Turki, The Mosaics of the Roman Villa at Wadi Lebda, Leptis Magna ; S. Eraslan, Iconographic Differences of Oceanus in the Mosaic Art ; L. Habas, The Discovery of the Mosaics of the Church of Bishop John at Gan Yavne, Israel ; B. Hamarneh, The Visual Dimension of Sacred Space - Wall Mosaics in the Byzantine Churches of Jordan. A Reassessment ; S. Miller, The Mosaics of Tiberias and Hammat Tiberias during the Late Fourth and Early Fifth Centuries C.E. - a Reevaluation in Light of New Discoveries ; A. Paribeni, From Ravenna to Athens - Italian Restorers of the Mosaic of Daphni at the End of the 19th Century ; D. Parrish, The Wall Mosaic from Sant’Angelo in Formis representing a Youthful ‘Chorus’ - Problems of Iconography and Interpretation ; J. Rossiter, The ‘Mosaic of The Boxers’ in the Roman Villa at Silin (Libya) - its Ludic and Civic Context ; etc