Il tesoro di Canoscio. Marco Aimone - Monumenti Antichi - Serie miscellanea vol. 18 Serie generale , vol. 72


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  • Prezzo: € 190.00
    Aggiungi Carrello


    2015 , pp. 184, Tavv. 6, Figg. 65, cm 24 x 34, in brossura

    From the preface:

    The Canoscio hoard presents the largest treasure found in Italy from the late antique period. In this book, Marco Aimone compares the Canoscio treasure to many similar Italian hoards discovered in the past two centuries, and, in so doing, throws new light on classical traditions that stand solid during this period of change and turmoil, while illustrating the input of the new invaders, as well as the effect on the West of a new, Christian Byzantium.