Etruria Travel, History and Itineraries in Central Italy - Mary Jane Cryan

di Mary Jane Cryan

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  • Prezzo: € 12.00
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    In 8°, bross. edit.,156 pp., a coll.

    No one writes more informatively and entertainingly about Tuscia than Mary Jane Cryan, American travel writer and local historian who has made her home in Italy for over four decades. Author of numerous historical-cultural guides and studies of this corner of Northern Lazio renowned for its unspoiled natural environment, fascinating medieval villages, baroque gardens and Etruscan archaeological sites, Cryan takes a deep map approach to her subject, exploring every inch of her home turf to offer her readers a vertical time-slice of the area’s history, legends, and culture. In her books of local lore, she revisits well-known sites and discovers new ones off the beaten track, uncovers the secret significance of forgotten temples and labyrinthine gardens, tastes her way through festivals and fairs, retraces pilgrim journeys or aristocratic itineraries to bring her readers a vivid guide to this territory and its colorful traditions.