Ancient South Arabian within Semitic and Sabaic within Ancient South Arabian - Alessandra Avanzini - Quaderni di Arabia antica, 02

di Alessandra Avanzini

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    Anno di Edizione: 2015
    Quaderni di Arabia antica, 02
    ISBN: 978-88-913-0765-1
    Rilegatura: Brossura
    Pagine: 40, 1 ill. B/N, 1 ill. Col.
    Formato: 17 x 24 cm 

    1. Introduction
    2. Ancient South Arabian within Semitic
    2.1. Nebes and archaeology
    2.2. Nebes' s linguistic hypothesis
    2.3. Stein' s hypothesis on a relationship between Sabaic and Aramaic
    3. Excursus on the prefixed verbal forms in Early Sabaic and in Qatabanic
    3.1. Early Sabaic prefixed verbal forms
    3.2. Qatabanic prefixed verbal forms
    4. SABaic vs. non-SABaic languages
    4.1. Innovative Sabaic vs. conservative non-Sabaic ?
    4.2. Chronological and geographical distribution of the first attested written documents in Ancient South Arabian languages
    4.3. Sabaeization' in the formative phase of the Ancient South Arabian culture
    4.4. Sabaeization' in the formative phase of the Ancient South Arabian culture in the Jawf
    4.5. Sabaeization' in the formative phase of the Ancient South Arabian culture in the Eastern part of Yemen
    5. On omastics
    6. Conclusions