The Colours of Rome - B. Lange (The Danish Architectural Press)


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  • Prezzo: € 38.00
    Aggiungi Carrello


    Copertina rigida, pubblicazione a coll. con 91 tavole e 8 in b/n

    Publisher: The Danish Architectural Press (1995) - Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts

    This original book challenges the perception of ochre-colored Rome as an authentic picture of the past, in favor of the Baroque reproductions that painted Rome as a light, pastel-colored city. The author leads the reader through a fascinating labyrinth of theories, observations, and technical studies to reconstruct the picture of a unique city, where color is a medium that can be used to generate visual unity. The author provides an original interpretation of historic Rome?s color architecture and materials, and develops a methodology for future restoration options.