Witnessing in the Ancient Near East. I testimoni nella documentazione del Vicino Oriente antico - Acta Sileni, 2 - Edited by Nicoletta Bellotto and Simonetta Ponchia

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    Proceedings of the Round Table Held at the University of Verona, February 15, 2008

    In 8°, bross. edit.,252 pp.,ill.ni b/n

    This volume is the result of a group formed to study witnessing in legal and juridical practice. A meeting was held in February 2008 at the University of Verona; these are the papers presented there.


    Nicoletta Bellotto — Simonetta Ponchia Preface

    P. I Giuseppe Visicato I testimoni nei contratti e nei documenti legali della Mesopotamia dei periodi protodinastico e sargonico (2900-2200 a.c.)  
    Francesco Pomponio La presenza e la funzione dei "testimoni" nella documentazione neo-sumerica
    Cristina Simonetti I testimoni nella documentazione paleobabilonese 
    Maria Elena Balza Witness Lists at Emar. The Syrian Type Tablets 
    Nicoletta Bellotto The Functions of Witnesses in the Middle Assirian Laws
    Simonetta Ponchia 0/1 the Witnessing Procedure in N eo-Assyrian Legal Documents
    Vito Messina Witnesses and Sealers of S eleucid Mesopotamia. A Comparison Between the Seal Impressions from Uruk and Those from Seleucia 011 the Tigris 
    Eleonora Cussini Witnesses in Aramaic Legal Documents and Inscriptions 
    imonetta Ponchia WitnessingProcedures in the Ancient Near East• Problema and PerOeciive of Research