San Lorenzo in Lucina. The transformations of a Roman quarter - ActaRom-4° no. 61

di Olof Brandt

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    Description: Stockholm: Svenska Institutet i Rom, 2012. 28cm., hardcover, 382 pp. illus.

    This volume presents the results of research carried out by the Swedish Institute in Rome in the Roman church of San Lorenzo in Lucina. This research involved the Roman phases of the site and the surrounding quarter. The research began with the 1993-1998 excavation of the baptistery of the Early Christian church, and continued in 2000 with a project which also included other parts, aspects and periods of the site. The papers in this volume shed new light on the Late Roman and post-Antique development of an area which is between Augustan monuments such as the Ara Pacis, the Mausoleum of Augustus, the obelisk and its meridian. The papers include studies on the early 3rd century insula beneath the church, the baptistery and the Early Christian basilica, as well a survey of hagiographic legends, medieval wall-paintings, and other finds such as inscriptions and graffiti, pottery, glass, marble, bones and spolia. Reports on the conservation on fragments of Roman wall-paintings and marble fragments are also included.

    M. Iride Pasquali, La chiesa di S. Lorenzo in Lucina nel Campo Marzi Settentrionale - scavo archeologico del 198 e brevi considerazioni sulla topografia antica della zona ; O. Brandt, The excavations in the baptistery of San Lorenzo in Lucina in 1993, 1995 and 1998 ; H. Boman, The remains of a third century insula beneath the basilica of San Lorenzo in Lucina ; O. Brandt, The Early Christian basilica of San Lorenzo in Lucina ; H. von Ehrenheim, The titulus Lucinae and St. Lucina ; A. Karahan, A lost medieval apse decoration and framents of mural painting in San Lorenzo in Lucina ; B. Magnusson, The cardinal's palace at San Lorenzo in Lucina ; A. Blennow, Inscriptions and graffiti in San Lorenzo in Lucina ; S. Mols, Ancient Roman decoration of floors, walls and ceilings found under San Lorenzo in Lucina ; L. Vaag (et al), The pottery finds ; D. Ingemark, The glass from San Lorenzo in Lucina ; C. Helander, Marble and other stone fragments ; A. Choyke, Bone workshop from the area of the church of San Lorenzo in Lucina ; C. Helander, The spolia in the apse of San Lorenzo in Lucina ; A. Freccero, San Lorenzo in Lucina - Conservation of marble fragments in the portico, March 1-31, 2000 ; A. Freccero, Fragments of Roman wall-paintings in San Lorenzo in Lucina ; M. Franzon, A technicl investigation of the mosaic fragments in the portico of San Lorenzo in Lucina. (Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae, 61)