Robert Burn - Rome and the Campagna. An Historical and Topographical Description of the Site, Buildings, and Neighborhood of Ancient Rome (edizione originale del 1871)

di Robert Burn

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    Cambridge : Deighton, Bell and Co.
    London: Bell and Daldy

    In 4°, leg. edit. tutta tela con ricchi fregi in oro ed in nero al piatto ant. ed al dorso, lievi tracce d’uso, pp. LXXXIII, 483 grande carta ripiegata f.t., 25 mappe f.t. ed 85 ill. by Jewitt, Indici,� n.t. Opera fondamentale ed insuperata.

    BURN ROBERT, Rome and the Campagna. An historical and topographical description of the site, buildings, and neighbourhood of ancient Rome, Cambridge - London, Deighton, Bell, and Co. 1871, 4to (cm. 28,5), LXXXIII-483 con 85 n.t. e 25 piante e mappe f.t. (di cui 5 ripiegate ed alcune a colori, tra le quali una grande pianta di Roma antica in fine). 350,00 Legatura editoriale in tela rossa con fregi e decorazioni in nero ed oro al ds. e al piatto anteriore. Taglio superiore oro. Esemplare in ottimo stato di conservazione. Non comune. Rossetti, 1397. 

    Robert Burn

    1829-1904. Classicist; Fellow and Praelector in Roman Literature and Archaeology; Dean.
    Robert Burn was the son of the Revd A. Burn, Rector of Kinnersley in Shropshire. He went to Shrewsbury School before coming up to Trinity, subsequently studying at Glasgow University where he gained his LLD. In due course he became Tutor and Praelector of Trinity.
    He was an expert on the history of Rom and the surrounding area. His principal publications were Rome and the Campagna, 1871; Roman Literature and Arts, 1888; Old Rome, 1882; Handbook to Ancient Rome and Neighbourhood, 1896.
    Burn was one of the original governors of Winchester College. He is buried at St Giles's, Cambridge.