Excavations at Ficana III. The iron age of fortifications - Occasional Papers of the Nordic Institutes in Rome; 7

di Aa.Vv.

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    Formato: 21x29,7
    Allestimento: Brossura
    Numero Pagine: 176
    Illustrazioni: bn + 6 tavv. colori (5 f.t.)

    Preface. Introduction. Chapter I – The Excavation and the Architecture. Morphology. The Excavation. Sites A, B, C. Sites D, E. Sites F, G. Site H. Gate system. Addendum. British hill-forts; Experimental earthworks. Chapter Ii – The Chronology. Site A. Sites D, E. Chapter Iii – Comparative Studies. Chapter IV – Catalogue of Finds. Impasto. Coarse cream-ware. Transport amphorae. Protocorinthian. Fine cream-ware – Italo-Geometric. Etrusco-Corinthian. Bucchero. Attic black-figure and red-figure. Graffiti and gaming pieces. Cooking stands. Bobbins ­– spindle whorls – loom­weights. Architectural terracottas. Miscellanea. Metal Objects. Bibliography. Concordance and Catalogue Numbers. List of illustrations.