Quaderni di Studi Arabi n. s. 7 - 2012 - Arabic Literature and Music

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    Introduction, by Hilary Kilpatrick

    Geert Jan VAN GELDER, Sing Me to Sleep: Safi al-Din al-Urmawi, Hulegu, and the Power of Music

    Julien DUFOUR, «J'ai oui chanter les oiseaux»: Musique, chant, danse et poésie humayni

    Carl DAVILA, Ya qatili bi-t-tajanni: Love, Contextualized Meaning and Praise of the Prophet in Ramal al-Maya

    Dwight REYNOLDS, Lost Virgins Found: The Arabic Songbook Genre and an Early North African Exemplar

    Hilary KILPATRICK, The Example of the Angels: Makarios ibn al-Za'im's Treatise on Byzantine Hymnography

    Anne VAN OOSTRUM, Arabic Music in Western Ears: An Account of the Music of the Hejaz at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

    Elizabeth WICKETT, The Aesthetics and Poetics of Upper Egyptian Funerary Lament in Performance

    Frédéric LAGRANGE, « Mettre en musique »: La sélection et l'interprétation de la qasida dans le répertoire égyptien savant enregistré sur disques 78 tours (1903-1925)

    Monica Ruocco, Between Symphony and Novel: 'Ali Badr's Haris al-tabg (The tobacco keeper)

    Lidia BETTINI, Su alcune pubblicazioni recenti in linguistica araba

    Gregor SCHOELER, The Genres of Classical Arabic Poetry. Classifications of Poetic Themes and Poems by Pre-Modern Critics and Redactors of Diwans

    Oriana CAPEZIO, Il tarqis nel dondolio delle parole

    Giovanni CANOVA, Piazza Tahrir: graffiti e poesia


    S.R BURGE, Angels in Islam. Jalal al-Dln al-Suyuti's al-Haba'ik fi akhbar almala'ik, London - New York 2012 (R. Tottoli);

    G.S. REYNOLDS (ed.), The Qur'an and its Historical Context, London 2008 (C. Bori);

    G.S. REYNOLDS, The Qur'an and its Biblical Subtext, London 2011 (C. Bori);

    U. VERMEULEN - J. van STEENBERGEN (eds), Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras, Leuven 2005 (C. Bori);

    K. STILT, Islamic Law in Action. Authority, Discretion, and Everyday Experiences in Mamluk Egypt, Oxford - New York 2012 (P.B. Lewicka);

    A. GHABIN, Hisba, Arts and Craft in Islam, Wiesbaden 2009 (E. Francesca);

    A.E. MAROGY, Kitab Sibawayh. Syntax and Pragmatics, Leiden 2010 (A. Ghersetti);

    M. AL-SHARKAWl, The Ecology of Arabic. A Study of Arabicization, Leiden - Boston 2010 (A. Ghersetti);

    H. RITTER, Worterbuch zur Sprache und Kultur der Twareg, Wiesbaden 2009 (AM. Di Tolla);

    B. ORFALI (ed.), In the Shadow of Arabic: The Centrality of Language to Arabic Culture. Studies presented to Ramzi Baalkaki on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, Leiden - Boston 2011 (L. Bettini);

    A. SADAN, The Subjunctive Mood in Arabic Grammatical Thought, Leiden - Boston 2012 (F. Grande);

    C. BANDAK, Libro de los buenos proverbios. Estudio y edicion critica de las versiones castellana y arabe, Zaragoza 2007 (F. Bellino);

    A. HENEMANN et al. (eds), Al-Jahiz A Muslim Humanist for our Time, Beirut 2009 (F. Bellino);

    N. PAPOUTSAKIS, Desert Travel as a Form of Boasting. A Study of Du r-Rumma's Poetry, Wiesbaden 2009 (F. Bellino);

    S.M. ALI, Arabic Literary Salons in the Islamic Middle Ages. Poetry, Public Performance, and the Presentation of the Past, Notre Dame, Ind., 2010 (A. Ghersetti);

    M. CASSARINO, (ed.), Lo sguardo sull'altro. Lo sguardo dell'altro. L'alterità in testi medievali, Soveria Mannelli 2011 (A Ghersetti);

    M. Ruocco, Storia del teatro arabo. Dalla nahdah a oggi, Roma 2010 (A.R. Suriano).