Oriente Moderno, n.s. XCI /1, 2011 - Between Everyday Life and Political Revolution: the Social Web in the Middle East


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  • Prezzo: € 60.00
    Aggiungi Carrello


    In 8°, bross. edit., 155 pp.

    Armando SALVATORE
    Before (and After) the ‘Arab Spring’: From Connectedness to Mobilitization in
    the Public Sphere, p. 5-12
    Dale EICKELMAN Media, Homeland, and Community in Islamic and Area Studies. A Social
    History and Emerging Trends, p. 13-22
    Albrecht HOFHEINZ Nextopia? Beyond Revolution 2.0, p. 23-39
    Eugenia SIAPERA Bridge Bloggers in the Middle East, p. 41-60
    Charles HIRSCHKIND From the Blogosphere to the Street: Social media and the Egyptian Revolution,
    p. 61-74
    Teresa PEPE From the Blogosphere to Bookshops: Publishing Literary Blogs in Egypt, p. 75-
    Maha TAKI Why Bloggers Blog in Lebanon and Syria? Methodological Considerations,
    p. 91-103
    Enrico DE ANGELIS Syrian News Websites: A Negotiated Identity, p. 105-124
    Elisabetta COSTA Online Journalism and Political Activism in Lebanon, p. 125-138
    Sarah JURKIEWICZ Of Islands and Windows — Publicness in the Lebanese Blogosphere, p. 139-