AION - Rivista del Dipartimento di Asia Africa Mediterraneo - Istituto universitario Orientale di Napoli - Annali - Vol. 57/1997 fasc. 3-4

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    In 8°, bross. edit., pp. 305 - 595



    Palumbo, Antonello On the Author and Date of the Zhenzheng lun 甄正論. An Obscure Page in the Struggle between Buddhists and Taoists in Medieval China 305-322
    Verardi, Giovanni The Buddhists, the Gnostics and the Antinomistic Society, or the Arabian Sea in the First-Second Century AD 323-346
    Garbini, Riccardo Indo-Nepalese Epigraphy II: the Patan Inscription of Year 411 (= AD 489), an Example of the ‘Compartment’ Type 347-356
    Gail, Adalbert J. Religiöse Reliefs in Brunnen (dhārā, hiti) des Kathmandutales 357-374
    Poole, Federico Rapporti di dipendenza e ideologia funeraria. L’ushebty, immagine al contempo dello schiavo e del padrone 375-404
    Laneri, Nicola Le tombe intramurali: una tradizione funeraria della fase finale del III millennio a.C. lungo la vallata dell’Eufrate siro-anatolico 405-425
    Zewi, Tamar Relative Clauses in Saadya Gaon’s Translation of the Pentateuch 426-449
    Zonta, Mauro Linee del pensiero islamico nella storia della filosofia ebraica medievale (parte seconda) 450-483
    Lacerenza, Giancarlo Il «cippo ebraico» nelle catacombe di San Gennaro (Napoli) 484-508
    Nardella, Umberto The Urdu-Hindi Short Story Kafan: the Two Original Versions 509-532
    Note e Discussioni
    Taddei, Maurizio Disavventure egizie nel “regno di Shiva” 533-536
    Genito, Bruno The Sasanian Manor House at Hajjiabad, Iran. A Review Article 537-548
    Baldi, Sergio Addenda to Newman’s Hausa and Chadic Bibliography 549-573
    Guida, Donatella (rec. di) D.D. Leslie and K.H.J. Gardiner, The Roman Empire in Chinese Sources. Bardi Editore, Roma 1996 574-575
    Verardi, Giovanni (rec. di) Vimala Begley et al., The Ancient Port of Arikamedu. New Excavations and Researches 1989-1992. Volume One. École Française d’Extrême-Orient, Pondichéry 1996 576-579
    Forte, Erika (rec. di) Nichi-in kyōdō gakujutsu chōsadan (Indo-Japanese Joint Excavation Project) ed., Gion shōja. Saheto iseki hakkutsu chōsa hōkokusho. Excavation at Jetavana (Saheth) – A Buddhist Site in Uttar Pradesh (1986-89). Kansai daigaku, Ōsaka 1997 580-584
    Orofino, Giacomella (rec. di) C. Cüppers and P.K. Sørensen, A Collection of Tibetan Proverbs and Sayings. Gems of Tibetan Wisdom and Wit. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 1997 584-585
    de Maigret, Alessandro (rec. di) A. Avanzini, As-Sawdā’ (= Inventario delle Iscrizioni Sudarabiche, tomo 4). De Boccard, Parigi - Herder, Roma 1995 585-586
    Baffioni, Carmela (rec. di) M. Zonta, La filosofia antica nel Medioevo ebraico. Paideia, Brescia 1996 587-588
    Pirone, Bartolomeo (rec. di) S.A. Bonebakker and M. Fishbein, A Reader of Classical Arabic Literature. Cafoscarina, Venezia 1995 589-590
    Tottoli, Roberto (rec. di) G.N. Atiyeh (ed.), The Book in the Islamic World. The Written Word and Communication in the Middle East. State University of New York Press, Albany 1995 590-591
    Bernardini, Michele e Tornesello, Natalia (rec. di) C. Balaÿ, C. Kappler, Z. Vesel (éds.), Pand-o Sokhan. Mélanges offerts à Charles-Henri de Fouchécour. Institut Français de Recherches en Iran, Téhéran 1995 591-59