Studi di Archeologia Cretese VII - Minoan Architecture: Materials and Techniques

di J.W. Shaw

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    Introduction Chapter 1. Stone A) Building Stone 1. Limestone 2. Gypsum 3. Sandstone 4. Schist 5. Conglomerate 6. Other Stones 7. Polychrome Effects with Stone B) Quarrying and the Transportation of Stone 1. Sandstone and Limestone Quarries 2. Gypsum Quarries 3. Transportation C) Tools for Building 1. Double-Axes 2. Flat Adzes 3. Axe-adzes 4. Pick-Adzes and Double-Adzes 5. Hammers 6.Saws 7. Stone-cutting with Saws 8. Drills 9. Chisels 10. Rasps D) Masonry1. Foundations 2. Rubble Walls 3. Ashlar Walls Orthostates Coursed Ashlar Masonry Techniques of Building Examples of Coursed Ashlar Walls Cornices Plaster on Ashlar Facades Mason’s Marks E) Special Uses of Cut Stone 1. Column Bases 2. Stone Drainage Channels Chapter 2. Wood and Timber A) Types of, Evidence for, and Chief Structural Uses of Wood in Architecture B) Wooden Clamps and Dowels 1. Wooden Clamps 2. Round Dowels 3. Square Dowels Charter 3. Sundried mudbrick and terracotta A) Sun-dried Mud Brick 1. Composition and Technique 2. Evidence on Sites 3. Brick Sizes B) Terracotta 1. Pipes 2. Channels and Catch-Basins 3. Flooring Tiles Chapter 4. Lime and Clay Plasters A) Composition and Early Uses B) Later Uses of Lime Plaster and its Preparation C) Floors 1. Tarazza 2. Slab Pavements 3. Plaster “Strip Designs” D) Ceilings and Upper Floors E) Roofs and Parapets F) Calcestruzzo Chapter 5. Conspectus and beyond A) Development and Change B) The Builders C) Diffusion: Minoan Architectural Styles Abroad Appendixes A) Metal Used in Building B) Column Bases: Stone Types and Sites C) Column Bases with Mortises D) Dimensions of Mud Bricks E) Terracotta Pipes, Channels, and Catch-Basins F) Analyses of Plasters Abbreviations Bibliography Guide to site plans Illustration credits List of Tables List of Illustrations Illustrations Index