Creta Antica (ISSN 1724-3688) Vol. VII / 2006 - Y. Hamilakis e N. Momigliano (eds.), Archaeology and European Modernity: Producing and Consuming the 'Minoans' (Atti del convegno - Venezia, 25-27 novembre 2005).

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    Rivista internazionale di studi archeologici, storici ed epigrafici (peer review) Direttore Responsabile: Aldo Ausilio (Padova) Direttore: Vincenzo La Rosa (Catania) Comitato Scientifico: F. Carinci (Venezia), J. Driessen (Louvain-la-Neuve), A. Lebessi (Atene), P. Militello (Catania), D. Palermo (Catania), I. Pini (Marburg), P. Warren (Bristol) Redazione: R. Gigli, L. Girella, M. Metcalfe, O. Palio, S. Privitera, D. Puglisi Segreteria di Redazione: S. Todaro

    Y. Hamilakis - N. Momigliano, Archaeology and European Modernity: Stories from the Borders 25
    P. Carabott, A Country in a 'State of Destitution' Labouring under an 'Unfortunate Regime': Crete at the Turn of the 20th century (1898-1906) 39
    J. Whitley, The Minoans- a Welsh invention? A view from East Crete 55
    C. Morris, From Ideologies of Motherhood to 'Collecting Mother Goddesses' 69
    Ph. Duke, Knossos as Memorial, Ritual and Metaphor 79
    K. Lapatin, Forging the Minoan past 89
    A. Sherratt, Crete, Greece and the Orient in the Thought of Gordon Childe (with An appendix on Toynbee and Spengler: the Afterlife of the Minoans in European Intellectual History) 107
    L. Sjögren, Minoan Wannabees: The Resurrection of Minoan Influences in Scandinavian Archaeology 127
    Y. Hamilakis, The Colonial, the National, and the Local: Legacies of the "Minoan" Past 143
    E. Solomon, Knossos: Social Uses of a Monumental Landscape 145
    R. Beaton, Minoans in Modern Greek Literature 163
    D. Roessel, Happy Little Extroverts and Bloodthirsty Tyrants: Minoans and Mycenaeans in Literature in English after Evans and Schliemann 197
    C. Gere, Cretan Psychoanalysis and Freudian Archaeology: H. D.'s Minoan Analysis with Freud in 1933 209
    F. Blakolmer, The Arts of Bronze Age Crete and the European Modern Style: Reflecting and Shaping Different Identities 219
    V. La Rosa - P. Militello, Minoan Crete in 20th-century Italian Culture 241 A. Simandiraki, 'Minoan' Experience of Schoolchildren in Crete 259