Neo-Assyrian Legal Documents in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum - "Studia Pohl: Series Marior" 14 - Isbn 978-88-7653-587-1

di KwasmanTheodore

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  • Prezzo: € 35.00
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    pp. I-LIV + 526
    This volume is a critical edition of 426 Neo-Assyrian legal documents from the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum. It includes those texts which have been identified as belonging to an individual (archive-holder) and thus forming a dossier or archive. 406 tablets are ascribed in this edition to 192 names. The majority of documents edited in this book are conveyance texts and may be divided into two categories: the sale of immovable and the sale of movable property. The sale of movable property is almost exclusively represented in this edition by the sale of persons. The majority of contracts are loan documents, while juridical documents - usually court decisions - are quite rare among the Kouyunjik texts.