A Late Egyptian Grammar - "Studia Pohl Series Maior" 4 - Isbn 978-88-7653-435-5

di Cerny, Jaroslav - Groll, Sarah I

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  • Prezzo: € 40.00
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    pp. LXXXIV-620 This book has been compiled by uniting the various notebooks of various Egyptologists who had attended Professor Cerny's lectures into one comprehensive picture. Groll transliterated the Egyptian and completed the translation of examples frequently left untranslated. Chapters on prepositions, adverbs and particles, which were left incomplete or unwritten, have been extended and re-written. Finally, this study carries out the writing of the theoretical side of the Grammar, especially the verbal system, left by Cerny completely unwritten. Groll took account of recent works and incorporated them in the theory of the grammar and bibliography.