Neo-Sumerian Administrative Texts from Umma Kept in the British Museum, Part One (NATU I) NISABA 6

di F.N.H. al-Rawi - F. D'Agostino

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  • Prezzo: € 55.00
    Aggiungi Carrello

    Descrizione: 17x24, brossura con bandelle, 264 pp.
    The present volume is the first of a sub-series (NATU) aimed at the publication of Neo-Sumerian tablets from Umma kept in the British Museum which have been translitered by Dr. F. ar-Rawi, with the collaboration of F. D'Agostino, F. Pomponio, J. Taylor and L. Verderame. It contains 36 unpublished administrative texts of varied contents which span chronologically from Šulgi to Ibbi-Sîn.