A Minaean Necropolis at Baraqish (Jawf, Republic of Yemen) - Reports and memoirs, New Series, IX

di Antonini Sabina; Agostini Alessio

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    With an Appendix by Paola Pagano - Descrizione fisica: 85 p. : ill. , 52 pls. - Lingua: inglese -
    dall’Indice: Foreword by A. de Maigret, p. 7 INTRODUCTION by Sabina Antonini, p. 9 1. THE EXCAVATION by Sabina Antonini, p. 11 Level 1, Late-Minaean Period, p. 11 Level 2, Sandy Aeolic Deposit, p. 11 Level 3, Minaean Tombs, p. 11 Level 4, Ancient South Arabian Period, p. 14 2. THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIALS by S. Antonini, p. 15 Funerary Stelae, p. 15 Terracotta Figurine, p. 23 Stone Objects, p. 23 Beads, p. 25 Shells, p. 25 Bronze Objects, p. 26 Plaster Jar Sealings, p. 26 Glass Fragment, p. 27 Organic Material, p. 27 Clay Stoppers, p. 28 Pottery, p. 28 CONCLUSIONS, p. 43 REFERENCES, p. 47 3. FUNERARY STELAE FROM BARAQISH. STUDY OF THE ONOMASTICS by A. Agostini, p. 49 Introduction, p. 49 The Stelae from the Excavation, p. 51 The Stelae of the MAIRY Collection, p. 63 Other Inscriptions, p. 65 CONCLUSIONS, p. 67 REFERENCES, p. 71 APPENDIX: Funerary Stelae and Other Objects from the Baraqish Area (MAIRY Collection) by P. Pagano, p. 75 Plates, p. 85