Oriente Moderno n.s. XX (LXXXI) 1, 2001 - THE OTTOMANS AND THE SEA edited by Kate FLEET


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    (in collaborazione con lo Skilliter Centre for Ottoman Studies, Newnham College, Cambridge University)

    Editor’s Preface p. III-VI
    PALMIRA BRUMMETT The Ottomans as a World Power: what we don’t know about Ottoman
    Sea-power, p. 1-21
    VICTOR OSTAPCHUK The Human Landscape of the Ottoman Black Sea in the Face of the
    Cossack Naval Raids, p. 23-95
    SURAIYA FAROQHI Trade and Revenue Collection in Later Sixteenth Century Salonica,
    p. 97-108
    ELENA FRANGAKIS-SYRETT Izmir and the Ottoman Maritime World of the Eighteenth Century,
    p. 109-128
    KATE FLEET Early Turkish Naval Activities, p. 129-138
    ELIZABETH ZACHARIADOU Monks and Sailors under the Ottoman Sultans, p. 139-147
    ROSSITSA GRADEVA War and Peace along the Danube: Vidin at the End of the Seventeenth
    Century, p. 149-175
    GÁBOR ÁGOSTON Merces Prohibitae: The Anglo-Ottoman Trade in War Material and the
    Dependence Theory, p. 177-192
    MOLLY GREENE Ruling an Island without a Navy. A Comparative View of Venetian and
    Ottoman Crete, p. 193-207
    KAORI KOMATSU Financial Problems of the Navy during the Reign of Abdülhamid II,
    p. 209-219
    The Origins of the Ottoman Submarine Fleet, p. 221-232
    CLAUDIA RÖMER The Sea in Comparisons and Metaphors in Ottoman Historiography in the
    Sixteenth Century, p. 233-244
    VICTORIA HOLBROOK Oceanic Feeling, Narcissism and the Post Classical Image,
    p. 245-254
    INDEX p. 255-270