A local church living for dialogue: muslim-christian relations in Mindanao-Sulu (Philippines) 1965-2000 - Larousse, William

di William Larousse

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    Larousse, William

    "Interreligious and intercultural investigations" 4

    2001, pp. XVII-646

    This study explores the missionary self-understanding of the Church in Mindanao-Sulu, Philippines, as it develops its commitment to interreligious dialogue with Muslims. Dialogue with Muslims and Christian Filipinos might be considered as a matter of life and death. While the situation may provide an impetus for dialogue, the foundation of interreligious dialogue is not found in the temporary scene. The theological roots of dialogue are found in the nature of the Church as the icon of the Trinity who has begun the dialogue of salvation with all humanity. The heart of this study is the local Church as the locus of the living understanding of interreligious dialogue.